chapter 14

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Daphne never was much of a swimmer. There was a lake by the school that she, Lysa, and Tobe would go down to splash around in in the summer, but they'd never actually ventured so far that they couldn't touch the bottom standing up.

Daphne would throw a stick into the water for Barley to fetch, and he would paddle out and retrieve it. She tried to remember how he kept afloat, but there was something about the rough waters of the canal flipping her head over toe that seemed to mess with her cognitive abilities.

By some miracle, her head broke the surface of the water, though she didn't realize it at first. When it became apparent that she could open her eyes and breathe, coughing up mouthfuls of water, she surveyed her surroundings for something, anything that she could grab onto.

There was nothing. The edge of the docks were too far away, and Daphne could barely keep herself upright in the rapids as it was. It was a struggle, but she paddled her arms and legs the way Barley did, and so far she was able to keep her head above water.

It was dizzying, how fast the canal was sweeping her. The water was icy cold, and she could barely feel her churning limbs anymore. At least the pain from her cuts were numbing as well. She struggled towards the docks, desperate for a solid surface, but she couldn't break free of the current's chokehold. There was still quite a way to go before she hit the ocean, but perhaps she could wait it out until then. The current would die down eventually, maybe it'll be easier to swim to shore.

But who knew what type of mutts were lurking out in the ocean for that very reason. Perhaps there were monsters in this canal right now, swimming after her, jaws wide open to snap up dinner-

"HELP!" She screamed, tearing her fragile throat so badly she thought she could taste blood.

Daphne hollered and hollered, though she knew it was no use. Who would want to help her in the arena, when they could just let the water or whatever mutts take care of her? It's just one less tribute to deal with.

Perhaps it was better this way. Daphne could let some mutt rip her apart, and at least it would be relatively fast. She could just drown in the canal, rather than suffer some painful death at the hands of someone like Glory.

No! What was she thinking? She couldn't go out like this. What would Aedon think if his little sister, who had fought so hard up until this moment, was killed by falling into a canal on the second day? Pathetic.

Daphne began to struggle towards the docks, teeth chattering from the cold, but the canal seemed to hold her in place with the unnaturally strong current. She was almost to the ocean. If she were to act, she better act quick.


She snapped her head towards the yell. It had been so faint over the roaring of the water, it might've just been wishful thinking.

"Daphne, over here!"

Water clouded her vision, but Daphne whirled to find a nest of bushy brown hair atop the dock, dashing alongside her as the canal swept her along. Frantic golden eyes met Daphne's as she called her name again.

Azalea. Azalea is here to save me.

Something landed with a splash in the water beside Daphne, and she grabbed onto it before the current could sweep it out of reach. She still couldn't quite feel her fingers, but from the rough texture that dug into her skin, she realized it was a rope. She clutched onto the rope for dear life, flailing with her legs to assist as Azalea tugged her towards the dock.

As soon as the dock was within reach, Daphne snatched at it, hauling herself onto the planks before curling into a wet ball, shivering beyond function. She stayed like that for minutes, suddenly longing for the heatwaves back home, Azalea waiting patiently beside her.

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