chapter 11

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It was funny how different Caelum and Theron's approaches were. Theron, dressed in a multicolored glimmering vest, impressed the crowd immediately, spinning once on his heels before plopping down on the interviewee's seat. He spurred the audience on with smooth words, contagious smiles and witty jokes that made even the other tributes start chuckling. He was a fan favorite, no doubt about it. Perhaps the most well-liked from the non-Career districts by far.

Caelum was considerably more mellow, unable to keep himself from fidgeting with the giant white rose blooming from his chest pocket. He responded with answers that were real and unarmed, tugging at heartstrings as the amiable bookworm who'd been thrust into a world of bloodshed and violence. Even Daphne felt compelled to hug him senseless after that.

After the interviews were over, thank goodness, Daphne felt an urgent need to get out of her dress. Wash her face clean of the suffocating layers of makeup and just feel normal once more in her soon-to-be-ended life. She rushed back up to the Tribute Tower and into her room so fast that the others probably thought she'd drank too much water earlier.

As she stood in the overly luxurious shower, something bitter crept into the pits of her stomach. The interviews were the last event before the Games actually started. And now, the interviews were over. Tomorrow, she'll be in the arena.

The shower water seemed to go cold as she buried her face into her hands. Tonight could possibly be her last. Definitely her last sleeping in a nice bed, on relatively peaceful terms with her fellow tributes.

She forced herself to swallow dinner after she finished halfheartedly washing up, the food that she'd come to enjoy now feeling dry and tasteless in her throat. First thing in the morning tomorrow, the tributes would be getting ready to enter the arena. The mentors and escorts would be gone, up at the Games Headquarters.

Daphne excused herself from the dinner table early, unable to stomach another bite. She stumbled back into her room, then promptly vomited on the lush carpet before her. An Avox hurried inside, alerted probably by her hurling noises, and the mess was gone within minutes.

Daphne sat on the floor, back against the bed, and stared at the wall for who knows how long.

The door opened gently after a while. Soft footsteps padded into the room. She didn't have to look to know that it was Theia.

Theia took a seat beside Daphne on the ground, holding two cups of steaming, sweet smelling liquid. She offered Daphne one, which she numbly accepted. Daphne glanced down at the cup, warm against her skin, then at Theia. "Is this hot chocolate?"

Theia nodded with a smile, then took a sip. Daphne followed suit, savoring the way it burned her throat on the way down. They'd had hot chocolate occasionally at home, whenever they'd get lucky at the market. She remembered cold winter nights with Esther, Rourke and Aedon, sitting by the fire with the sweet drinks, laughing about anything and everything. It had been just Esther, Rourke and Daphne since five years ago. Now, it would just be Esther and Rourke.

"Thank you," Daphne said, her voice barely a hoarse whisper.

"Of course," Theia replied gently, and they sat and sipped their cups in silence for a good amount of time. Eventually, Theia reached out and wrapped Daphne in a hug. It took all Daphne's willpower not to break down and sob against her.

"I'm so proud of you, Daphne." She said softly. "And I know he is too. Believe in yourself, do not lose hope. You can do this, and just remember, I'm with you every step of the way. So is he, so are your family. It's been an honor to be your mentor, Daphne."

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