Before and After

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Tengolf! The first part takes place well after ITS, and then there's a flashback that takes place well before the main storyline. Enjoy!

Our fifth anniversary was not the most important one. That would be the thirtieth, which will mark the moment I've spent more time married than not. Its relative insignificance is the only reason I allowed this to happen.

Because I, Golf Ball, am not the type to go to a theme park. Yet, I was currently standing in the front of the line for Hollywood Studios.

I have to admit, TB got me into it. The planning was super fun for me. Less fun for him, as evident in his protesting the 5:30 wake-up. A little coffee and he was up and ready to start the day.

Finally, the employee that in about 20 minutes would let us into the park arrived. "Hey guys, since you're waiting here, are you celebrating anything?" She smiled politely.

I was preparing to say no and move on, but TB said, "It's our fifth anniversary tomorrow," entrapping us in a conversation.

She selected two colorful, matching pins and scribbled on them with Sharpies. "How long have you two known each other?"

"A long time!" I figured I should say something. I didn't want to look like a jerk.

"20 years," TB specified. "I'm a numbers guy."

"That is a long time. Congrats!" She handed us our buttons, and I fastened mine right where everyone could see it.

~20 years/ a long time ago~

Today was the day that I would win the school spelling bee. I was in the final two. I watched them weed out the lesser kids round by round. There was practically nothing in my way. My memory is unmatched, and my reading level is sky-high.

The only obstacle to overcome was that clumsy Tennis Ball.

When it came to practical things, like staying upright, Tennis Ball was a doofus. On the other hand, pretty much the only thing I ever saw that boy do was read. In class during lessons, while talking to his mouth-breather nerd friends, on the bus going to and from school.

The two of us were pretty much the smartest in our grade. We were in a lot of the same classes, rode the same bus, had the same glasses, and had the same middle name. Lots of people thought we were cousins or something.

I wouldn't describe myself as a geek or even a nerd. I just have to be the best. I'm more competitive than anything else, and academics happen to be where I thrive.

"Okay. Good job you two. This is round 12. We've actually gone through all of the words on the school list, so the words we'll be using now are ones you haven't studied." The pronouncer rubs her head. She's tired of us.

I, frankly am tired of her. Words we don't know? Ugh.

"Are you ready, spellers?" TB looked at me and laughed.

"Nope," he said.

I shrugged. "Ready as I'll ever be."

I was up first. The microphone was adjusted for the much taller boy, so I had to bend it.

"Your word is 'homeostasis'."


"Balance or working order, especially as in a cell or organism."

I had only heard this word once when my science teacher was going over the topics for the year on the first day. I thought I knew it. "H-O-M-I-O-S-T-A-S-I-S. Homeostasis."

The unthinkable happened. Ding. The bell! I was wrong? The speaker read out the real spelling, but I was in my head and didn't hear.

"You still have to get this, and a winning word correct before you win." That's right. He has two chances to slip up. He walked to the microphone, reversed my adjustment from before, and took a breath. "Please spell 'homeostasis'."

He didn't miss a beat. "H-O-M-E-O-S-T-A-S-I-S." His confidence told me he was right. I cursed myself for swapping the 'E' out.

"Correct. Now, for your final word. Spell 'cirrhosis'."

That word is a whole lot harder than homeostasis. I was familiar with it, though. Some uncle had it way back when. He closed his eyes for a moment and scratched his neck. "C-I-R-R-H-O-S-I-S. Cirrhosis." That was the correct spelling. Today, was not the day that I would win the spelling bee.

"Congratulations, Tennis Ball! We're so proud of you." The pronouncer shook his hand, likely for some new digital camera that I would've seen if I hadn't been distracted. Not by anger. That was the problem. I was always mad after these kinds of losses, but today I felt fine. Good, even. "We're going to take a picture of you both since you went back and forth for so long."

Tennis Ball strode toward me, glowing. He sat down next to me. "You did really good, GB!" The boy who was my only competition just gave me a nickname. Wow.

"Oh, thanks! You did too, TB. Well, duh, I guess." He laughed. I felt my cheeks get hot as he scooted a little closer, then pressed against me, one arm wrapped around me. His hands were pretty warm, which didn't help the extreme awkwardness I was experiencing. 

"Smile!" I tried. The camera shutters clicked, and I hoped they wouldn't put the photo up anywhere. 

That was the day that TB won the spelling bee, with his mind, and my heart, with his smile.

This is loosely based on a true story, so there's that. Anyway, wanted to say that I'm sorry for constantly writing about Disney World, but A) I live in Florida, and we go pretty frequently, and B) we're taking a trip there for my birthday this year with my best friend. It's been on my mind, I guess, haha.

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