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Wait are these headcanons? They're in my AU now. Idk. Maybe they're fun facts? Whatever lol.


He hopes that after finishing school he can teach middle school history, because he always had bad history teachers and wanted to be better, and he finds preteens fascinating.

He has a really good relationship with his parents and calls them all the time. They also have a dog called Sparky, a Dalmatian, who he loves to bits.

Firey Jr. is his little brother, who doesn't like him all that much, but Firey adores him. There is a very large age gap, as Jr. was a miracle baby.

He loves drunken noodles and all Thai food.

Finger painting is one of his many strange (and mostly useless) talents.

'Mr. Brightside' used to be a favorite of his, but due to working at a Hot Topic where it was on all the time, he can't stand it.

Bro is very bisexual with a preference for women.

He definitely had a crush on Coiny at some point.


He had braces for a long time, and still has to wear a retainer at night. He always does it, out of fear of needing braces again.

He's not nearly as good with people as he thinks he is. He gets along really well with a couple of them, and that's about it.

There's no way he's straight. I choose to believe he's just kinda unlabeled.

He had poorly done highlights in his Freshman year of high school and hasn't done anything major with his hair since because it looked so bad.

He wears a lot of flip-flops, Hawaiian shirts, and shades when he isn't working, despite living in the Midwest. It's wishful thinking because he always wanted to move near a beach.

His family went to Disney once when he was a kid and he often plans trips back, and then never booking once he realizes he is in no position to go.

Coca-Cola is his favorite flavor of slushie. This disgusts Firey, who swears by Blue Raspberry.

He owns Apple everything. The idea of buying a droid is legitimately scary to him.


She loves changing her hair. She's had pretty much every style under the sun.

Overalls are like her favorite piece of clothing. She has them in tons of colors and patterns.

She likes Taylor Swift, but despite knowing a lot of her songs, is way too nervous to call herself a Swiftie.

She had birds growing up, and her favorite was a green parakeet named Spike.

She would never tell anyone, especially because she works at Disney World, but growing up she always like Universal better. She was a speed demon, and the Hulk enticed her more than anything at Disney.

In middle school, she once spent 15 whole minutes staring at her project to make sure it was exactly right.

She was in the gifted program in school, which made her a perfectionist. She also has ADHD which made that pretty difficult.

She is extremely prone to sunburn. Living in Florida, she'd check the weather, leave the house without sunscreen if it said it was going to be cloudy, and still get burnt. Now, she just puts it on every day.


When Legally Blonde came out she saw it and decided she had to be a lawyer.

She believed in Santa Claus for way longer than most kids and felt betrayed by her parents when they finally told her.

It feels like everybody deals with Metal and Evil Leafy differently, so here's my take: Leafy has a sister, called Eve. She was a jerk to everybody so kids started calling her Evil. Like as a nickname. And Metal Leafy was just Leafy in her rebellious years. (It's not a phase Mom!)

Teachers love her. She was always their favorite. Kids liked to call her a Teacher's pet, but she was just nice to her peers and participated in class. She never tried to be the favorite.

Her family is an absolute trainwreck. I'm talking about holidays that turn into screaming matches, a much younger miracle baby brother, divorced parents, divorced grandparents, estranged cousins, a very religious and a very non-religious side, people getting cheated on and remarrying in the same year, and a partridge in a pear tree. 

She hated getting fruity candy on Halloween and purposefully avoided the houses that gave them out. She was there for chocolate and chocolate alone.

No one should leave Leafy alone near the scented candle aisle in a Target or Walmart. She will buy way too many. Especially the ones that are "nostalgic" smelling. Her favorites are rain, linens, sugar cookie, and apple cinnamon.

She hates holidays with family, but Halloween to New Year's Day is still her favorite time of year. There's just a certain magic in the air.


Her parents' nickname for her is Doodlebug.

I saw someone (can't remember who) say that Needle, Saw, and Naily are her sisters and I've just accepted it as fact.

She shopped at Hot Topic as a teenager, and someone recommended Spencers. Long story short, she saw some off-limits things and got traumatized.

When she was little she swore to invent a better popsicle. She hated how you had to either try your best to get it to not fall off of the stick on traditional popsicles and with the ones that you push up, the plastic stabs the corner of your mouth. She has not yet found a solution.

She has too many stickers, and too few surfaces to stick them on. This doesn't stop her from accumulating more stickers. 

The words 'pookie,' 'm'lady,' and 'babygirl' make her feel physically nauseous.

She didn't try any soda until she was 14 years old, simply because she got to say she had never had soda, and she knew that it would throw people off.

She had a huge crush on one of her best friends in school, but she didn't realize it was a crush until after the fact.

Hey broskis, hope you like this. I'm watching inanimate insanity rn. Have a good [period of time until I post next]!

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