CH 6: what the hell is that?

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(Storms p.o.v.)
So its been a few days sense we saw Nick in the hospital OK the family did not me. It might be mean but I got a call from my commanding officer called me wanting a meeting with me. I don't know what he wants but I'll find out when I meet him in like 3 hours. Anywho Nick was doing OK then his dumbass decided to leave the hospital without telling anyone. So now there looking for him while I get ready for my meeting with what's is name. I'm horrible with names unless they mean something to me.

(A few hours later cause I'm lazy)

(Still storms p.o.v.)
Its been a few hours of me doing absolutely nothing and its time for me to leave to meet the lieutenant no I'm not in uniform cause I'm to lazy to be in it. Im in blue jeans a blue shirt and my blue shoes. I start to walk to the door to my house after saying bye to my dog and got on my motorcycle. On my way to the diner in town I saw some homeless people, some random guy walking like he's drunk he probably is I stopped at a few red lights turned a street and why am I thinking my directions I have no idea anyway I made it and got off my bike after parking it.
I walked into the old fashioned diner and looked around for a guy in uniform. "Storm over here." I look for the voice and see a middle aged man in an army uniform. I nodded and started to walk in his direction and said at the booth across from him. I looked at him and around at the exits then looked back at him. "What's this about? Why did you want to meet here and with me?" I asked real quick before he could speak. "I needed to talk to you about some things thats been happening around here. Take a look at this" as he said this he pulled his phone out to show me a... Video? It showed cops on the highway with this man walking towards a cop that same cop telling him to stop a few times before shooting him in the chest. "Why am I watching..." I went to say until the guy who got shot stood up what the hell? I watched with wide eyes as the shot man thing started to get closer to the cop and they all start shooting at him. The only time he went down and stayed there was when a bullet wen in his head. I sat there in silence for a few minutes when I looked at the lieutenant I asked "what the hell was that? Why did you show me that." He looked at me and said "after you were tested on in the military someone else was as well but he was injected with the wrong thing and it made him go crazy and he died but he came back different. Like it wasn't him he bit you while you were under and he escaped for a while until we found him and wasn't able to kill him other then when we went for the head." After he was done informing me of this I sat there processing this new information about this. "So this man bit me and I don't have a scar or any indication this is true other then your word. And if he bit me then why the hell did I not become one of those things." He sat there contemplating the answer to my question "well the reason it had no affect on you is cause your one of them but a little different of course your not dead. But the bite had a different reaction to your blood it made you immune to it and changed a few things why else did they not want you to leave for a while. They wanted to see if you'd go mad, kill yourself and turn into one of them. That's why I needed to talk to you. I wanted to see if this stuff has an affect on you." I stared at him blankly and said " has and affect on me what does that mean? You wanna know what's having an affect on me is talking to you this is a bunch of bullshit." He sighed " are you suddenly craving human flesh?" I sat there blinking my eyes like "what" and I am.ost said something stupid like "ya I'm craving human flesh and that flesh is yours" but I'm not going to say that but I did say "you know what you turned me into and your asking if I am craving human flesh what kind of question is that. My eye turn red for fucks sake like that's not normal human behavior." As I said the last part my eyes flashed red to show him what I mean just in case he fergot. He nodded "right I fergot about that part. Just be carful when you leave the world is becoming something different." I nodded and got up but before I left I turned to look at him and said " if I'm immune to this shit then why did you want to talk to me?" He looked up and pulled his shirt sleeve up to his elbow to show a bite mark " I wanted to warn you before you saw some you care about turns into this thing and remember aim for the head it kills them." He gave me a week smile and waved bye as he left. I just stood there for a few more minutes then left to go home I have a lot to think of.

As I was on my way home I got a call from jessica. "Did you miss me that much you called me a day after you left to live with your mom?" I asked with a smile that left after I heard a crash and groans "Storm I need you to come get me mom and dad are acting crazy I don't know what to do." I speed up changing directions to my sister cause she sounds like she's in danger "are you some were safe were are" "ya I'm locked in my room the keep trying to get in but I'm barricaded in here. The keep trying to bite me and they won't say anything." My eyes widened as I realized what's happening I sped up even more and got to the house in no time. I told Jessica to stay were she is and I'll be there soon she of course told me to hurry and I did. I got off the bike and ran to the front door and I noticed it wasn't even closed I ran in and heard a scream and ran up the stairs to see Linda and rick (the bio parents btw) they turned at the sound of me coming up the stairs and what I saw wasn't my parents they had blood on there mouthes and I looked up to see my sisters door open and they were eating something I started to walk closer. She I was able to get close enough I saw my sister on the floor blood on her neck and everywhere else. They were eating there own daughter. I felt tears well in my eyes making everything blurry and I fell down on my knees staring at my sisters corpse. She's dead I don't hear a heart beat I wasn't fast enough. My boo mom got up and started walking well limping towards me I looked at her and all I could think of was "out of everything that kills me its her you know what fine she can kill me" I waited while looking at her and she sniffed the air while looking at me and backed up turned around and went back to eating my sister. What the fuck "what the fuck is this" I said and both of them looked at me and when they saw it was me they both went back to eating. Ok that's not weird at all I sighed grabbed my gun took it off safety and aimed. I fired 2 rounds and all 2 hit my moms, dads heads killing them forever I aimed the gun at my sister but couldn't pull the trigger. I stood up grabbed a few things aka my sister and blew up the house hopped onto my motorcycle while holding my sister I left to go back home and didn't look back I was gone.

(A.n. chapter 6 is done if you see any mistakes let me know and this is somewhat of what Storm is. If u figure it out let me know also please let me know if u like it.)

Half infected-ish (Alicia Clark x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon