ch 1: Recovery

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(Storm p.o.v.)

I started to wake up cause all the medicine that the doctors gave me started to wear off and I could feel the pain all at once. Oh shit fuck why does it hurt so much what did I do? Oh wait I remember what happened I'm so stupid. That's all I could think of while being in pain. You must be wondering who the hell I am. Well my name is Storm Hunter I know very creative my parents were very interesting (note the sarcasm). Fucking hate them, why you might ask that's a story for a different time or never who knows. Any who back to who I am. Well I'm 5'9" I have short black hair, sense I was in the military I'm pretty fit. I have muscles where it counts. I have a dog a Siberian Husky she is a pure white fur and her eyes are as blue as the sky, her name is Rebel. She's one of my best friends and I love her. I wonder how she is last time I saw her we got blown up together...
Wait a minute we got blown up why am I still alive?
I opened my electric blue eyes and all I heard was the heart monitor beeping like there's no tomorrow. I tried to sit up. Key word is tried it didn't go as planned cause I fell back down onto the hospital bed and damn its uncomfortable. That's when the doctor and some nurses came running in I think they thought I was dieing or something. I focused on the doctor and I watched him come closer to me. He was calm, he had white hair a short beard, that looked like it need a trim. I watched him check the monitors and he finally looked at me. His grey eyes looked right at my electric blue one.
"Do you know where you are?" The Dr asked me. Is he stupid? no I don't know were I am. "In some hospital?" Was my reply to his so smart question. "Yes youre in LA Memorial Hospital. Do you know how you got here?" He asked. "Ya I got blown up in Afghan with my team and my dog. But how and when I got here I have no fucking clue doc." He chuckled at the last of my response and said "well they transported you here by helicopter after making sure you were able to be transported." Oh that makes sense why didn't I think of that. "I have a question for you it says that your emergency contact is Madison Clark and it says here she's your mom?" I sat up straighter at the sound of her name. Its been a while sense I heard her name wounder how she's doing? "Did you call her? Is she on her way? Where is she?" Is my fast responses to him. "Hold on hold on calm down there. We don't want you to go into shock or anything we didn't call her" "wait why not? Why didn't you fucking call her?" I was pissed at this point I started to glare daggers at him. If looks could kill I think this doctor would be 6 feet in the ground right know. "We didn't believe she was your mother to be honest with you. We'll go call her right now but you need sleep so rest and we'll make the call ok." The doctor said looking absolutely nervous as hell. I nodded to let him know I understood and will get some rest. He nodded back and left to call Madison I hope for his sake anyways.

(Madisons p.o.v)

I'm in the middle of doing some paperwork when all of a sudden my phone started going off. I check the caller ID and all it says is unknown number and I did what any smart person would do and answered it. "Hello this is Madison Clark" "hello my name is Dr.Jackson at LA Memorial Hospital do you know a Storm Hunter by chance?" I couldn't believe it Storm is in a hospital wow this must be bad if she went to a hospital. "Yes I know Storm is she ok? What happened?" I asked really fast "yes mis.Clark she is ok. She had an insadent in Afghanistan. I would rather tell you here then on the phone. She woke up today and you were the first person she asked for well you and whoever rebel is." Oh thank god she's ok. "Rebel is her military K9 and ok I'll be there soon I have to tell the principal I'll be leaving early." As I said the last part I'm getting up and out of my office to go talk to Artie and tell him I'll be leaving early after that I'm on my way to see Storm. After getting off the phone and telling Artie were I was going I texted Alicia and told her that I was going home early not giving her an explanation to why. I left the school and got into my car and started to head to the hospital.

(A.N. i Hope you like the first chapter let me know if you like it.)

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