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,Happy reading!!

Khaotung was also injured, so when Louis was taken to the hospital, so was he.
Now, he was in his hospital room with a pale face.
His hand had a bandage on it, he was injured from being pushed by Louis.
First walked into Khaotung's hospital room and sat in front of him without saying anything.

"Khao." Called First at last.

Khaotung raised his head, looking at First with a weak gaze.

"Lui has been treated," First explained. "The blood has stopped coming out, we arrived just in time."

But Khaotung still didn't feel any better, the image of Louis bleeding in front of him was still vivid.

"Lui hasn't regained consciousness yet?" Asked Khaotung and when First said that his friend needed more time to wake up Khaotung slumped again, as if he was the cause of Louis' accident.

"How do I get him to wake up?" Khaotung asked.

"First, I'm scared now," he continued.

First immediately pulled Khaotung into his arms, and the loudmouth ended up crying in First's school uniform. Crying so hard questioning what he did wrong for getting this kind of punishment, the endless accusations that even Louis had to sacrifice himself for him.

"Everything will be fine, you have me."

First always hoped that Khaotung would have a bad day because he felt that he was the one who always had a bad day by Khaotung's mouth. But right now, if Khaotung's bad day was to make him this weak then First would no longer wish like that.
First couldn't see Khaotung crying like this, someone who didn't even cry in the presence of many people was now roaring for him to not go anywhere.

"I won't let you get hurt again later. I'm sorry, right? I came too late, you must have been scared."

Khaotung nodded his head, he was very scared and only First came to the field to hug him, keeping Khaotung's eyes away from Louis' body who was waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
Because at that time, even though Khaotung was afraid of the sight of blood, he couldn't turn his face away from Louis for a moment. That's probably why he was so shocked until this afternoon


Mrs. Thana finally arrived with her husband, immediately she hugged Khaotung tightly.

"Mom, Lui got hurt because of me."

"No, no. Khaotung my son, that's not how it happened."

First then excused himself from Khaotung's hospital room, leaving the family to take care of Khaotung for now.
First's mother and father still hadn't returned from work, First had told them and said they would be back in the evening.

"Where's Joong?" Asked First, he didn't see Joong among his friends who were currently waiting for Louis to wake up in the waiting room. The Lui family was in the room.

"Mr. Nan?" First asked again.

"Mr. Nan went to the school to check on Dunk, and Joong... You know how close he is to Dunk."

First was surprised to find out that the person who dropped the flowerpot was Dunk. "And Pawin?"

"Not here yet, he's got some family business." Marc answered.

"What about Khaotung?" Marc asked, changing the subject.

"Still crying. But it's okay, his mom and dad are here," First replied.


"I'm not Mr. Nan."

"Then why did you come from the roof?"

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