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Khaotung is annoying, but he's also kind which is why sometimes his annoying nature is just forgiven by most people.
He also never brings up his own goodness, but most often mentions his friends' mistakes. Actually Khaotung does that not to mock, but rather to remind them not to do the same thing. But maybe it's the way he says it? Everything sounded annoying from Khaotung's lips.

This was the day that Pawin and Louis were going to do the test for the Physics competition. All the students kept treating Khaotung as if he was the thief of Pawin and Louis' books, even though he had not been named as a suspect.
Khaotung just realized that not all of his friends in this class saw him as a good person, maybe all this time there were people who had also disliked him from the beginning so that in this situation those people thought that Khaotung was getting Karma.

"I'll go treat you guys to a meal later after school. Whether the theme is to celebrate me being selected for the competition, or even for Louis."

After that, cheers could be heard praising Pawin for having the heart to even accept defeat prematurely.
Dunk then teased Khaotung who was currently sitting alone in his seat, he mentioned that there was someone in his class who often got angry if his grades were smaller than other students.
Pawin couldn't help but laugh, then innocently asked Dunk to name him.

"Are you crazy? He's going to kill me," Dunk replied, taking advantage of Pawin's ignorance to insinuate more Khaotung.

"Who?" Pawin asked again with his innocent face making several students laugh at his innocence, except Joong and Louis.

"Someone who stole your book, maybe?" This time it was Neo who answered, then Dunk playfully hit Neo's shoulder and asked him to shut up because someone was probably shaking in fear in his seat right now.

Although Khaotung was wearing earphones in both ears, he clearly heard everything that Dunk and Neo said. However, he decided to act as if he hadn't heard, because even if he went angry like usual, it wouldn't change anything. They would still believe that he was the culprit in the disappearance of Pawin and Louis' book, and they would start to believe that he had lost his own book the other day, and targeted Pawin to blame.
They were stupid, Khaotung was tired of making them come back to their senses.

Not long after, Marc and First arrived quite late.
Dunk immediately asked why they were late for class, even though Marc was already at school before he got there, but Marc only had time to put his bag away at the last minute before the bell.

"We're from the teacher's lounge," Marc replied and stood at Pawin and Louis' bench surrounded by people, still discussing which restaurant to go to after school.

"Why?" Joong asked.

Marc then pointed to his shoes which were pure white, even though their standard school shoes were black.

"My shoes got wet so I used them," Marc said.

"And you?" Joong now turned to First.

First also stopped his footsteps that were about to approach Khaotung, then he also showed his shoes that were dark green blue with white stripes around them.

"I wanted the color of my shoes to match my bag," First replied, making no sense.

"He's crazy," Dunk said and then asked Pawin to return to the topic of the restaurant.

But Pawin preferred to call out to First, who was now on Khaotung's stool and preparing to surprise him.

"What?" asked First then turned his head to Pawin.

"Are you going to go eat with us after school?" Pawin asked.

"Khaotung doesn't seem to be going, so I'm not going either." First then turned back to Khaotung, he tapped his friend on the shoulder to get his attention.

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