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Khaotung entered the counseling room, only his  teacher was there. Nan gently called Khaotung to sit in front of hum.

"You must be upset, right? Your study time was interrupted because of this problem." Nan first asked Khaotung to relax, he also offered a cold chocolate in a cup for him, he also offered the drink to his other students, the intention was to make them more relaxed about what was going on.

"I'm fine," Khaotung replied and accepted the drink from Nan.

Nan didn't ask any more questions right away, busy looking at his notes with the answers from the other students.

"What happened a few weeks ago? They say that some things have happened since Pawin came to this school."

Khaotung looked a little nervous, afraid of being asked about the accusations he had leveled at Pawin without complete proof. Because when it happened, all the Year 11 students including himself decided to solve the problem of the group chat and his math book without involving the teachers.

"Explain everything to me, okay? Calm down, you won't conclude anything in a short time."

"What do I have to explain?" Khaotung asked back.

"How you felt when the class made a group chat without you, and how you felt when your notebook was in Pawin's bag."

Khaotung knew it would all come out in a moment like this. Who would have thought that their class would conduct this kind of investigation.

"All the things he said don't make sense," Khaotung replied with a mumble.

"Then why did you forgive Pawin back then?"

"Because I didn't have any solid evidence for my book and about the group chat, I tried to understand his feelings for me during those early days of introduction."

Nan nodded his head a few times, then looked back at the notes containing the answers from the other students about the incident.
The silence lasted long enough for Khaotung to be puzzled, did the others also find the situation this serious?

"So actually, your fight with Neo has something to do with all these events?" Nan looked back at Khaotung.



Khaotung finally nodded. "Right, I'm sorry."

Nan nodded his head, which was fine. On the one hand Nan was proud that all his students had a sense of responsibility to try to solve their own problems without involving adults. Even if he had to lie, as long as it was for the common good then Nan forgave him.

"So you haven't forgiven Pawin, have you?"

Khaotung blinked his eyes, it was true. "I'm trying, sir."

"They say you attacked Pawin quite brutally, i was even surprised when all your friends said that you also attacked Lui and Neo. The conclusion is that you started all those fights."


"We have agreed to forgive each other," Khaotung replied again.

"And do you really forgive them? Forgive Pawin for creating the class group chat without you in it, and forgive all your friends for keeping quiet when they found out?"

Again, there was silence. Khaotung tried to process what Nan really wanted to say.

"Are you accusing me of stealing Pawin and Louis' book?"

Nan let out a long breath, then looked back down at her notes. "Khao, it's still conjecture."

"Are you crazy, sir?" Khaotung asked in a slightly raised tone, laughing at what Nan had just said. What did he say?  Just conjecture? That's already absurd.

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