An Unlikely Group - 2022 English Writting Task

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[Authors Note: This is a public release of a Dystopian Story written in 2022 for an English Assignment.

I thought that I should just post it here so that someone may read it for their own enjoyment. This does not reflect any real events or organisations as it is purely fiction.]

Europe 2044

12 years since World War III destroyed the world as it was before, a new fashist regime has taken over Europe, parts of Asia and Russia. The only place with any sort of society all really know. Everyone has tracking chips in them, and anyone within certain criteria or with a certain level of intelligence are considered important to the new world order, everyone else is considered as unnecessary and are marked for posable extermination. (Basicly after WWIII Neo-Nazis run Europe)

Gun shots from rifles and shotguns echoed, flaming shrapnel from grenades flew glowing in the black sky injuring unfortunate victims close by. Blood, both fresh and dried on bodies of the deceased strone about. The small resistance camp had been ambushed and in the process of being overrun by a small detachment of the Storm Arresters or the S.A. for short, they were the most elite of the Europic Republic's forces. They were a silent but deadly sort who oversaw the entire former European continent, tracking everyone's movements to the letter via tracking chips inserted into their bodies. Many couldn't do anything about it but those who could, were not to fight, could hack the tracking systems within the government and send false signals to the monitoring stations. Most resistance members knew how to do the hack.

A pair of young women in their late twenties, armed with only pistols fought gallantly against the invaders, nearby a man of Japanese descent with his katana sliced through the seemingly fearless troopers. An old steam engine blasted hot smoke and steam at the attackers as bullets made dents on her as her driver threw rocks and shot at them with the few bullets he had. A few others were fighting back too or lying dead on the ground.
"OI YOU THREE! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND TAKE THE ELDERLY WITH YOU! WE'LL HOLD THEM OFF!" A man yelled at them. The three didn't bother arguing and just ran into the train coach, a situation like this needed no convincing to escape.

The little old engine's wheels groaned and slipped before violently jolting forwards after getting grip on the rusted but stable iron rails, quickly accelerating down the line as the last of their comrades and friends gave a last brave stand to allow them to escape. A thunderous explosion blared in their ears, brightening up the night sky; someone had detonated the unused grenades and explosives they had, annihilating not only themselves but several of the aggressors too.
The small group crossed onto the main railway network. Since the Third World War, (12 years ago) destroyed most personal vehicles, the railway network was revived to replace the roads, now the series of steel rails connected every town and city with each other. This was both a blessing and a curse, that is unless you had someone or knew the secrets to travel down unseen.

This was where Fanny came into it. She was an old F class built in Australia in the 1880's and worked up until the 1960's when a group of people from a town she used to work at saved her and put her on display when a railway museum was formed in the 1990's. She'd been the star, the piece of resistance of the museum. When World War Three happened, Fanny, alongside a few other engines, volunteered to serve. Fanny had no idea what had happened to them but resolved to do her best for them.

Normally they wouldn't be spotted but they did not have luck on their side as a pair of diesel locomotives charged at them, the little engine increased her speed, attempting to outrun them.
"Oh, for god's sake. I'm not dealing with this shit again!"
Fanny bucketed along, blowing steam at the black pursuing engines. She swayed side to side, but didn't care. To those on board it seemed as if she was taking this personally. She covered the train in smoke before switching onto another line. The diesels roared by, oblivious to their actual location. The small group of five stopped at last, finally taking a much needed break from the night's events.

"How do you outrun those things?" asked the Japanese man.
"Comes with age and experience, that's how."

"That was intense, I've seen the horrors of World War Three but that was something else entirely." Adam sighed, he was Fanny's driver and a former US soldier and intelligence officer too. "Well at least we're in a quiet area, with some nice scenery too. Wouldn't mind just staying here."
"Speak for yourself, Adam, at least...."
"At least he doesn't bring a knife to a gunfight, or in your case Jin a sword." Ava spat back.
"He does have the training to use one in that sort of situation, must take a lot of training to be able to deflect or stop bullets with a sword." commented Jemima.

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