TATMR - Coal Trucks & Buffers

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[Kellsthorpe Road - Midday]

Thomas:(Neutral) Morning Henry, what's the matter?

Henry:(Worried) I'm having trouble building up steam with this rubbish coal.

Thomas:(Happy) Well I'm collecting 10 trucks of welsh coal for us.

Henry:(Happy) Looks like we don't have to use the other stuff. *Sneezes*

Thomas:(Concerned) But I wish I could find Mr. C and find Lady and help them too.

[Thomas backs down to the line, but one runs off and enters the Magic buffers]

Thomas:(Neutral) Now, where's that brakevan. {as he departs}

Trevor:(Content) Hello Thomas, how's those 9 trucks treating you?

Thomas:(Confused) 9? I'm supposed to have 10.

Trevor:(Content) You must be missing one then.

[Later that Day - Elsbridge]

Percy:(Worried) Thomas, I've been worried about you. {As Thomas stops next to him} Trevor said you lost a coal truck today.

Thomas:(Puzzled) Yes, it disappeared on the old storage line near the grotto at Kellsthorpe.

Percy:(Happy) Maybe those buffers are the ones on the secret railway.

Thomas:(Happy) And the grotto is the lost engines special platform.

Percy:(Cheerful) Oh, yes.

Thomas:(Happy) Percy you guard those buffers from Diesel 10.

Percy:(Shocked) WHAT!

Thomas:(Content) And I find Mr Conductor.

Percy:(Worried) Me, why me?

Thomas:(Concerned) We're the only engines who know this, (Determined) that and I know you are capable of more. Percy, little engines can do big things.

Percy:(Content) Thanks Thomas, good luck. {As he leaves}

Thomas:(Content) You too. {As he leaves}

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