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Dedicated to the Railway Men who served with the Railway Operation Division during The Great War...

1917 was as horrible as it had been for the past three years, the young men fighting in the trenches and killed for little ground.

But for Lance Corporal Adam Smith and the rest of his division, were spared that luxury, and seeing their stationed position, you'd understand why.

"James, get your pommie arse over here, we've been assigned to take ammunition up to the front again."

"Alright, are we taking 5330 again?"

Adam was assigned to the Railway Operating Division, tasked with running trains full of supplies and troops up to the front and back, often returning with the injured, the dead and the shell-shocked.

Nearly everyone had been employed by a railway before enlisting and Adam was no exception, having been a locomotive fireman working out of Junee on goods trains around the Tumut, Hay and Wagga Wagga areas.

Both men climbed into the Swindon built locomotive's cab, then reversed back into the rail yards outside Saint Nazaire and coupled up to their train.

With a bit of slip on damp rails, and the tightening of couplings, both locomotive and crew set out once again to the front, with much needed ammunition for yet another suicidal charge at the enemy trenches, and many more slaughtered like wild animals.

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