Chapter 4

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[Bold] Afro's flashback

[Italic and bold] (Y/n)'s falshback

Warning: swearing and gore

Meanwhile at the canyon, Afro and his guardian light up their smoke as you walk beside Afro away from the assassin's corpse.

"Man, all these killing are starting to depress me. You know what I mean, Afro."

"I would say the same."

You chuckle agreeing with the spirit as Afro ignore him blowing out some smoke.

"Oh, so you want a cold shoulder huh?"

As soon as he said those words a striking pain suddenly came up in both of your bodies. Afro stand frozen dropping his cigarette.

"Yo you two walking a little funny what's up? Whoa, what's up!"

As you both fell to your knees in pain making Ninja came up beside you both hovering your hands near the wound that was caught up by the poisoness arrow from the previous battle.

" Was there something in the lemonade? Aw snap! You fucked up, huh?! Oh look those shit was no damn arrow."

You and Afro struggle to fight the dizziness of the poison as your vision started to get blurry. Afro glance his eyes to you seeing you panting in pain.


"Come on guys, snap out of it man. Snap out of it!"

Brother 2 and the big man watch from above the big man suddenly spoken something shocking the elder man.

"He's injured, I can take him."

"What?! Hey,hey! Wait, wait! It's too early!"

The big man slides down the canyon from above ignoring the elder man's cries and lands onto the canyon you three were on. Ninja turn to the carshing sound from behind as you slightly turn still struggling with the pain seeing a large man with a metal backpack along with a metal hat with an 'E' letter on it and wears a large necklace.(? I'm not good at describing people,sorry)

"Ey, ey, ey! Can't you give the brother a break y'all? Can't you see the man's down? What about honor and fantasy shit?"

The man who obliviously couldn't see the ninja ignore him, grin evilly towards his two main targets as he took out a RPG FROM HIS BACKPACK?! This made your eyes widen.

"Hey, hey, is that a motherf**king RPG? You got a motherf**king RPG?! An RPG IN A F**KING BACKPACK?! Wait,wait shouldn't we talk about this?!"

As you and Afro struggle to get up to escape as the weapon was aimed towards you both while the man kept on grinning and pulls the trigger. The bomb flew towards the both of you in high speed as Ninja in fear ran to distance himself.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-"

Afro stood up and cut through the bomb into two pieces before falling again by the poison. The cut shock the man for a moment as the pieces then explode the entire area of the canyon.

"That fool! He made the sword sink with the no.2 headband as well!"

The elder man yell out in disbelief at the other man's mistake as he kept on grinning near the fire in victory.

As you and Afro were falling off the canyon, you glide towards him with a little of your strength and hug him protectively as you both crash into the river. You both pass out by the poison.

Afro's Flashback

As we look into the past of Afro's childhood after the death of his father, he was seen running away in the rain from the bandits that were on his tail as he then came up to an praying area making him stop turning towards the bandits in caution. 

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