The wedding 💐

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Rain was in his 6th month of pregnancy...

His baby bump was completely out..

He was looking so cute and plump that Payu always adored him...

Rain did not want a grand wedding because of his pregnancy he wanted a simple wedding with only family members and important guests

Payu takes Rain to his dad home and invites Rain dad and his step mom and step sister to the wedding...

Rain step mom was so stunned to see Rain pregnant and that too getting married to such a rich guy...

Rain dad feels happy..

He hugs Rain..

Rain dad : Am so happy for you my son...
Sorry that I never bothered about you..

Payu : That fine uncle...
I will take care of Rain that he never feels like missing anyone or anything...

Am always there with him...

Rain : Yes pa... Payu is my blessing in this life...
He never makes me to feel incomplete...
He loves me so much...

Day before wedding...

Rain : Phi... I look like a ballon...
See my face is all plumpy...

Payu : Baby do you know how cute your looking with that baby bump and plumpy face

You are so adorable my sweetie...

I promise you will be the most cute groom of all time...

Rain : I love you...

Payu : I love you too my sweetie...

Payu then kisses Rain's forehead...

On the day of wedding !!!!

On the day of wedding !!!!

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Image : Pinterest

Payu was standing at the altar waiting for Rain..

Rain's grandparents brings Rain to Payu...

Payu and Rain sees each other and they were so happy that both eyes starts to tear up...

Payu holds Rain hands...

Payu : Baby don't cry...

Rain : Even you crying my cute Alpha...
Don't cry na...

The wedding starts and it was time to give vows to each other...

Payu :

It is all clear to me now
That everything in my life has led me to you..

I think back on all the choices and consider even the bad ones are blessed

Because if I had done one thing differently then I might have never met you and fall in love with you and become your husband...

I love you so much my heartbeat !!!

Rain :

I choose you again and again
At the start and the finish of every single day
No matter of the season and the year

I choose you
I will struggle and succeed with you
I will fight and make up with you
And I will love and grow old with you

I love you so much my Phi Payu !!!

( Note : This wordings are not my own
I have got it from Pinterest )

After the wedding Rain was so happy that he couldn't utter it in words...

He holds Payu hands...

Rain : Phi...
Thank you so much for coming into my life...

Even if I searched someone I wouldn't be able to get a precious person like you...

Payu : Rain baby...
You are my blessing you know...
After you came into my life... I started to realise the meaning of love and life...

Now I have the reason to live because of you and our baby growing in your cute little tummy...

They both hugs each other so lovingly

Note : Will have one more special chapter with birth of the baby and life after having a baby

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Note : Will have one more special chapter with birth of the baby and life after having a baby...

End of chapter!!!!

Love you all 😘😘😘

You make me feel alive Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora