When jealousy hits so hard 👿

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Days were passing by and Payu was getting more and more attracted to Rain...

He starts to get so possessive that he makes Rain to work inside his cabin almost all the time...

Rain was getting tired why Payu was not even leaving him to speak to anyone properly...

Rain was expecting Payu to say something but no Payu was not saying anything about why he is acting like this...

Payu was so confused he was so captivated by Rain that he was going crazy....

But he couldn't utter a word when Rain was next to him...

Just watching Rain was making him crazy...

His round doe eyes...
His plum pink lips...
His sexy small waist...
His cute smile...

Was making Payu literally crazy...

Days were passing and Payu was in edge of loosing himself for Rain...

One day Rain wakes up and feels like throwing up...

He quickly runs to bathroom and pukes.. 🤮

He was also feeling so dizzy and somehow manages to reach Payu home and drive car till office..

In the office as usual Payu makes Rain to sit in his cabin and work..

Rain starts to work but feels so sick...

He feels so dizzy...

Suddenly he feels like throwing up again...

So he closes his mouth and runs to wash room...

Payu saw Rain and wanted to go behind him as he felt Rain was not okay..

When Payu was about to go behind Rain..

He gets a important call and Payu had to take the call..

Payu finishes speaking in the call and runs to washroom to see Rain..

As Payu enters the washroom he saw Rain puking and Jess next to him rubbing his back...

Jess was so close to Rain and was touching and rubbing all over Rain's back...

The jealousy in Payu hits so bad that he turns furious...

He get so mad and crazily angry over Rain that he let someone get so close to him and touch him like that...

Rain was not well but Payu jealously was so bad that he couldn't even think that Rain was not well...

He goes back to his cabin...

His blood was boiling...

He literally wanted to take care of Rain but instead someone else was there taking care of him which makes him so mad...

After some time Rain comes back...

He did not know that Payu had come to washroom to look after him...

Payu was so mad he doesn't speak anything when Rain gets inside his cabin...

After some minutes of silence...

Payu : We have a meeting...
And you should stand next to me and take down all the notes...
You should not even leave a single point which goes in the meeting...

Rain feels weird and says okay...

They go to meeting and Payu again tells Rain not to sit on the chair but stand next to him and take down all the notes...

His jealousy was making him to act like this..

Even when he knew Rain was not feeling well...

Rain as usual doesn't say anything and stands next to Payu and starts to take down notes...

He was still feeling so dizzy....

The meeting goes on more than a hour and Rain body finally gives up and he faints and falls down....

That is when Payu gets panicked when he saw Rain on the ground unconscious....

Payu quickly carries Rain and runs to his cabin...

His hands were shaking...

He tells everyone to go out who ever followed him....

Payu makes Rain to lay on the couch and immediately calls the doctor available in the office....

Payu was nervous... he was shaking because he understands he made big mistake making Rain to stand like that for more than a hour when he already knew he was sick...

Doctor arrives and checks on Rain....

And sprinkles some water on Rain face...

Rain slowly opens his eyes...

Doctor continues to check on Rain..

Doctor asks what all was happening to him and what all symptoms he had from morning...

Doctor : Rain have you mated with any alpha recently like within time frame of a month...

Rain was confused...

Rain nodes his head...

Payu : Doctor please tell me what happened to Rain...

Doctor : We need to make few more tests on Rain...

Please bring him to hospital....

Payu gets close to Rain...

Payu : Rain come I will take you to hospital..

Rain : Phi... that's really fine...
I can take care of myself ...

I will go by myself...

Payu holds Rain hands...

Payu : Rain please let me take you to hospital...
Please please...

Rain had really crossed his edge of patience...

Rain : When I work for you being so sick...
I can even go to hospital by myself... Phi

Payu : Please Rain I know now your angry on me..
But please please I beg you let me take you to the hospital...

Rain finally agrees and Payu carries him in bridal style

Rain : Phi I can walk...

Payu doesn't listens and carries him to his car and takes him to hospital...

Note : I don't want to say what happens next...
What you all think 🤔
But I can say one thing devil is going to change...

Am really thinking so much and writing each and every chapter of this story so that it turns out good...

Please comment down below how is the story so far....

Love you all...

End of chapter !!!🤗🤗🤗

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