Final Message

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Dear readers,

This Anthology has come such a long way, the amount of interest in the project and the support for all of the writers was just incredible. Within the first few entries being posted, the Anthology ranked in Short Story!

First of all, a huge thanks must go to all of the writers who gave up their time to write something for this book. The standard of writing and plots is very high indeed and the whole mission of it all was to bring together writers who write different genres into one book which everyone could read and share their thoughts and feedback.

Next, you readers! Thanks to your reads and comments, the outcome for the Anthology grew quickly in a positive way.

And finally, I wish to thank those who took the time to message me and raise support for the Anthology even though they didn't contribute anything, still promoted it on their profile. It means a lot for the writers.


Will you be doing something like this in the future?

Yes, but not for a while. I have projects going on at the moment and other things happening off Wattpad.

Can we do a free write version again?

Yes! The more variety, the better!

Are you doing another collaborative project?

Yes, a writing novel project called Do Mates Even Exist? It's a Teen Werewolf Romance story.

Can I take part in that?

You can register interest for it via PM.

Scarlett x 

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