Two Tales

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Editor's note- @FathersDaughter sent me two amazing short tales. She told me to pick one but after reading them both, I honestly couldn't decide which one to submit in for the Anthology so I've decided to add both and let you readers decide which one is your favourite. Let FathersDaughter know by responding in the comments below!

"Richard, I am warning you! If you don't get Sasha out of our room this instant then I am filing for a divorce!"

Richard winced at the harsh sound of his wife's voice. When Lucy was mad, all hell would break loose and as much as he found it amusing to torture the woman, he was not willing to face what was certainly not an empty threat. On the other hand, there was a bit of fun to be had with this...

"But Lucy, sweetheart, she likes to be on my bed!"

"She's not staying!" Lucy yelled back from the bedroom. There was silence for a moment as Richard tightened his dressing gown and went into the kitchen to make himself a coffee... well, make Lucy a coffee. He would certainly have to sweeten her up a bit after he had teased her this much.

"Lucy, my love, surely you must agree that I have no other place to put her?

After all, when I play Sasha I find that I am always inspired to write a new song when I am lying next to you. You are my muse, my dear." Those last words sounded pretty empty as they left his mouth, but it was just as he intended.

False romantic utterances just to make her even more infuriated... wait, maybe that wasn't such a good idea...

"Richard, get your rear-end in this room right now and remove her or I will do it for you! And if I have to move her I will hurt her!"

Now was the time to move... and fast... but then again, he would much prefer to get Lucy to come out here rather than go in there. Maybe this could turn out better for him. The kettle boiled and he started making the coffee, careful to make it just like she liked it. She liked a lot of sugar but, no matter how much he added, the coffee would always be rather bitter. Because nothing was as sweet as his Lucy.

"As you wish, honey," he drawled, as though he didn't care. But inside he was screaming.


f she hurts my Sasha she is going to be in big trouble. Big, big trouble...

As he came out of the kitchen and into the living room, he was just in time to see his wife enter the room, angry and tired. Maybe the morning was not the best time for these sorts of jokes... But what caught his attention was what she was holding in her hand. Sasha's neck was in her grip and Lucy seemed more than willing to chuck the aforementioned guitar out of the window. The 3rd storey window.

"I surrender!" Richard shouted, almost dropping the coffee on the table rather than placing it before saving the guitar from hitting the doorframe. It narrowly missed it, to his great relief, but poor Sasha was in desperate need of tuning now. He examined her strings and found none that were damaged, the body was not scratched and the neck was unharmed. With a sigh of relief he turned to his wife, who was now in fits of giggles.

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