Rich Girl Struggles

Start from the beginning

I had it all.

Not once did Alec or Zak complain. Alec would tell his honest opinion about things I'd pick and he'd gladly take my bags.

Zak refused to let me help carry them so I walked around with free arms as they were stacked.

"We might have to call Zion to help." Zak said quietly and Alec laughed as I just bought a hair shine oil and lip oil.

"I can call him." I said, looking at the amount of bags they were holding.

I felt guilty so I did.


"Uhm, yeah I'm sorry to bother you, I understand if you can't but we need help. It's not bad I just have a shopping problem." I murmured.

Everyone stared as they walked by.

"I'm on my way. Give me 10." He said and hung up.

We waited and when he came he froze.

"Good lord." He blinked before talking to Zac in Russian.

He ended up with some bags but not a lot.

"You still not done?" He asked.

"" I smiled.

He nodded once and let me lead the way.


Not one complaint from any of them. Silence and respect was what I got.

I privately picked out undergarments and tried them on before buying my choice of them.

She put them in a bag.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I walked out of the Victoria's Secret and to where they waited.

"I can hold this one-"

"No one's gonna look, angel. Hand it over." Alec said and I frowned.

I gave it to Zion.

"Where next?"

"I wanted to go to Yankee Candle, Bath and Body works and then that's all." I said.

"Go ahead."

"Am I being insane? Should we just go now? I think-"

"Kaia, turn your ass around and walk to the store." Zion ordered.

I did and went to yankee candle first, coming out with six candles.

Then to bath and body where I got a lotion, bodywash, and perfume of a really good smelling one that would go with some of my perfumes so the smell could stay longer as well as three candles.

"Can I help? Please? I've been a jerk so I should be able to-"

"It's fine. We're gonna take these to the car and come back so we can get whatever you asked for earlier from the food court." Zion nodded and I followed them, embarrassed with the stares as they all carried so many bags.

I'm trying to embrace the rich girl shit but I'm struggling right now.

Half the bags went into Alec's car, the other half in Zions.

We went back inside, Zion offering his arm and I hooked mine through, holding onto his bicep.

"What did you want from here?" He asked.

"I want to look. Do you have to be back to work? Or you?" I looked to Zak.

Alec put his hand on my upper back for a slit second.


I frowned.

But regardless they followed me around the food court, looking with me before I settled on Panda Express.

They got something from there as well, refusing to let me pay, or even carry my food or drink as it was set on a table.

Zion pulled out my chair for me and peoples eyes were burning into the men sitting around me.

Zion was by far the largest but Alec and Zak weren't very far behind.

"Thank you, Zion." I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"For everything. I'm very grateful." I smiled.

And he gave me a soft grin.

"Sure." He nodded.

"That means of course in humble-pants language." Alec winked.

Zion laughed.

I'd be fine. It's all in my head. I had to erase my preconceived ideas.

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