Author's Note

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I don't know if anyone will actually read this but since I'm an avid reader of werewolf books I decided to give this a try. 

Couple of housekeeping rules: 

1) English isn't my first language. So if there is any spelling mistakes please politely point them out to me. 

2) The main character is shy. If you want a female main character who walks into every room guns blazing maybe this isn't the book for you. She will grow and discover her place in the world but she is also only seventeen so please be patient with her. 

3) There is a massive age gap between the two main characters. She is seventeen and he's almost thirty. In my imaginative werwolf world that is fine. HOWEVER I obviously do not condone relationships like this in real life and should you find yourself in such a situation in real life I'd advise seeking out an expert

4) Please share your thoughts with me! Really fight in the comment but please don't be mean to other readers. This is a work of fiction so please bare that in mind. There is no reason to be rude to other about something as silly as a book 

5) As stated above this is a work of fiction. But it is my work of fiction so therefore any plagiarism will be reported to wattpad. So please don't make me go through all that hassle 

6) I don't have a super regular update schedule. I'll try to do it once a week but I also have a job and a life that I need to attend to. Please me mindful of that. 

I think thats pretty much it! 

Please leave your thoughts in the comments and enjoy!!!!

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