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Micah smiled at the thought of them finally being together. It's all he ever wanted and he finally has it. He climbed off of Liam and laid down next him. Liam turned his body so that he was laying on his side and his chest was pressed up against Micah's back. He wrapped his arms around Micah's torso, and Micah snuggled closer to Liam.

"Liam, do you think we should tell our parents?" Micah asked.

"Mmhmm, but later though because I'm tired and want to sleep," Liam told him sleepily.

"You're always tired," Micah laughed softly.

"Yeah I know. Now shhh, I'm trying to sleep." Liam smiled sleepily.

Micah rolled his eyes but soon fell asleep, listening to Liam's steady breaths.


"Wake up! Wake up!" Lukas yelled into his best friends ear. Ethan groaned and rolled over because absolutely does not want to get up. Sometimes he really wishes that Lukas wasn't a morning person.

"Wake up! Come on, Ethan. I'm hungry, wake up," Lukas whines.

Ethan groans, "Then go get something to eat then, damn. You don't have wake me up."

"Yeah I know," Lukas says sheepishly.

"Then go get something to eat, and I'll be down there when I feel like it, okay?"

"Okay." Lukas walks out of the room and down the stairs. He enters the kitchen and being the best friend that Lukas is, decides to make some breakfast for him and Ethan. (How hard could it be right?)

Turns out that making breakfast his hard work. He started out with over easy eggs, turns out that he doesn't know to cook over easy eggs and they're going to have scrambled eggs instead. Cooking the bacon was probably the worst because he kept getting burnt by the hot grease, it wasn't a lot just like little drops of his would splatter onto his bare arms, and hurt him.

"What in the serious fuck, are you doing?" Ethan demanded. He look around the kitchen and the was some egg yolk on the counters, and some of it on the stove. Then there was Lukas with a sheepish grin on his face, coverd with egg yolk and bacon grease. Lukas face is a bit flushed, probably from moving back and forth in the kitchen.

"As you can see I tried to make breakfast, but it didn't work out so well," Lukas says.

"Well no shit Sherlock," Ethan said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up. I'm sure it won't taste that bad," Lukas shrugged.

"Well, lets find out."

Lukas takes out two plates and scrapes some eggs on Ethan's and puts three pieces of bacon on his plate. He does the same thing to his plate and they both go sit at the table.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Lukas asks.

"I would but this is probably poisoned."

"Hey! I may not cook a lot but honestly I don't it could be that bad."

"I know, I'm just fucking with you," Ethan laughs.

"Fuck you, you ashy layer of epidermis."

"Whatever, now lets eat." Ethan picks up his fork and stabs his fork into his eggs, and continues to eat the eggs.

He chews for a bit and then swallows, "You know, this is actually not that bad."



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