Chapter 22. (The End)

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"What place is this?" He kept walking. He was walking for hours now, but there was no sign of reaching the end of the long dark tunnel. On his way, he kept hearing voices, of Donghae, Yesung, Ryeowook, Sungmin and Kyuhyun. They all crying. Calling his name. Asking him to come back. "Where am I?" Hyukjae was crying as well hearing those painfull voices.

After few more hours of walking, he finally saw a bright light. Despite being exhausted, he ran to reach there quickly. "Mwoya?" He saw a giant sofa in front of him with chairs surrounding it from two sides. It looked like a court. "You finally reached here." A deep voice surprised Hyukjae. He turned to see a tall man, wearing hanbok. The man passed by Hyukjae and sat on the sofa.

"W-where am I?" Hyukjae asked. He had no idea what he was doing here. The last thing he remember was laying in Donghae's arms. "This is a court. Where it will be decided, to which path you'll be going next." Hyukjae couldn't understand anything. "You're dead human. And now, we all will decide, if you'll be going to incarnate, go to heaven or hell."

Hyukjae stumbled backwards. 'I'm what?' He couldn't believe what he heard. The first thing that came to his mind was Donghae. "H-hae! What happened to my Hae? I-is he okay? H-he-" Hyukjae felt a lump in his throat. He knew Donghae must be in a very bad condition.

The men in the court ignored his words. Another man brought something like a notebook and gave it to the man sitting on sofa. He flipped the pages and gave Hyukjae a weird look. "Lee Jieun, right?" Hyukjae quirked his eyebrow. "Huh? I'm not Jieun." It was now the man's turn to be surprised. "What do you mean? I have the information. You are Lee Jieun. Soulmate of Lee Donghae who was going to die because of the evil one. You died because of the evil one, right?"

Hyukjae nodded. "But I'm not Jieun! Donghae's soulmate is not Jieun but me." The man gave back the notebook to the guy standing next to him. "Listen. We know you're Jieun. Don't make excuses to get away from your fate." Hyukjae rolled his eyes. "I told you I'm not Jieun. My name is Hyukjae! Lee Hyukjae! Can't you see? I'm a man." The man signaled to his assistant. The latter nodded and came back with another notebook.

The man flipped the pages. In between he looked at Hyukjae. "Mwoya igeo?" The man asked his assistant. He looked at Hyukjae after closing the notebook. "So, that guy, Donghae, his soulmate changed from Jieun to you?" Hyukjae nodded. The man massaged his temples. "Is it possible?" He asked a bit annoyed. "How would I know." Hyukjae muttered under his breath pouting.

'They don't even have proper information. And they are here to judge people for their punishment and next life tsk.' Hyukjae rolled his eyes. The man released a deep sigh. "So, Hyukjae." The human looked at him with a weird gaze. The man continued after clearing his throat. It was the first time, that such a blunder happened. "We had the information of Jieun dying at the age of 32. Not of you. You're gonna live a long life. And also now that she is not that guy's soulmate, her life is gonna be long as well."

Hyukjae scoffed. "Pabo." The man rubbed his nape in embarrassment. "You can go now." Hyukjae pouted. "Do I have to walk on that long path again to go back?" He asked lazily. He didn't wish to walk so much again. He never loved exercising. "Aniyo. My man will take you back." Hyukjae nodded. A man appeared besides Hyukjae. "Drop me at Hae's home." Hyukjae blinked innocently when the guy gave him an annoyed look. "Do I look like a taxi? I will drop you where you died." He took Hyukjae's hand and teleported to the cave of the evil one.

Hyukjae bowed to the guy. He sighed deeply. "I guess I have to walk to home. I don't even have money." He cried. He started walking on the road. As it was day time, he was glad that he wouldn't have to fear about ghosts.

"Ahhhh mothae!" He got tired after walking for an hour. He sat at the bus stop for some time. "Aish Imma die if I keep walking. Can't someone just drop me there for free!" His mind went to Donghae. "Hae must be thinking that I left him." His eyes got teary thinking about his sad boyfriend. "Hyukjae-ah?" He looked in the direction of voice. "Junsu-yah!!!!" He got up from the seat and went towards the car.

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