Chapter 7.

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After all the staff left, Yesung walked inside the kitchen, with Ryeowook following him. "Yesungie hyung why did you ask me to stay?" Yesung's heart did a jump hearing the younger call him hyung. He doubted that he got a weird fetish. "Umm just wanted to spend more time with you." Yesung mentally choked himself because it sounded so weird.

"N-ne?" Ryeowook was taken aback. He thought the elder wanted to teach him some more stuff. But the actual reason was pretty unexpected. "I mean, I'd like to know you better. I like to be friends with all my staff. So yeah." Yesung tried to cover up. Ryeowook looked down shyly.

When Ryeowook saw the elder the day before, he found Yesung very handsome. His flawless skin, his beautiful orbs, his pretty smile, husky yet soft voice. He couldn't sleep that day, and that was the reason why he came early in the morning. He was going crazy to see the handsome elder again.

"So tell me about yourself." Yesung asked leaning on the kitchen counter. "Umm. I lived in Incheon before. I decided to come to Seoul to find a job. But because my qualifications aren't much, so I've been doing part-time jobs." The elder quirked his eyebrow. Ryeowook understood Yesung's expression. "Actually my family isn't that well off, so I couldn't study after high school".

Ryeowook smiled sadly. "What's your dream?" The elder wanted to help Ryeowook achieve his dream. "Umm... I wanna be a singer!!! I love singing! I didn't get any proper lessons, but I can sing well! I got inspired by Kangta. When I saw him on tv, I really really aspired to be like him!"

Ryeowook kept talking about how much he loved singing. He told his favorite kpop group was S.E.S. And he loved to listen to Bada's voice. Yesung was looking at Ryeowook with so much love. He felt like hugging the younger tightly right at the moment. The way Ryeowook's eyes were sparkling while talking about his passion, Yesung wanted to fulfill his dream no matter what. "You're so adorable." Yesung remarked.

Ryeowook stopped in mid-sentence. He blushed at Yesung's words. He admired the elder, but didn't know the elder too found him adorable. Yesung was about to say something when they heard a loud voice from outside. "Are they fighting or something?" Ryeowook asked. Hearing the voices, it did sound as if Hyukjae and Donghae are arguing. Yesung shrugged his shoulders.

They both came out of the kitchen and saw Hyukjae clapping with a tired Donghae in front of him. "Woah! Ani, how are you our team leader? Maldoandwae jinjja" Hyukjae scoffed. He spotted Yesung. "Your brother is a ddorai! I feel so bad for you really." Donghae turned around to see his brother and Ryeowook looking at them curiously.

Yesung went near Donghae. "What happened?" Donghae sighed. "Ahh my head hurts." He massaged his forehead. "I told him everything, but he thinks I'm crazy" Yesung snorted. It was obvious that people wouldn't believe in witches, wizards and demons these days. Yesung did expect a reaction like this. But the fact that Hyukjae saw demon with his eyes and was still not ready to believe, made Yesung think that Hyukjae was an insane guy.

"Go drop him home. I'll talk to Hyukjae." Yesung patted his brother's shoulder. "Ryeowook-ah, Donghae will drop you home. And I won't take no for an answer. So go." Ryeowook nodded. He figured out something serious was going so he did as Yesung told him without questioning. Donghae gave Hyukjae a look before leaving with Ryeowook.

Yesung made Hyukjae sit. "I understand it's hard for you. But don't worry, my friend is a psychiatrist, he'll help your brother. Don't lose hope." Hyukjae said in a serious tone. He patted Yesung's hand as if giving him sympathy. 'I can't believe Donghae fell for him.' Yesung thought.

"Listen Hyukjae-ssi. Whatever my brother told you is true." Yesung looked beside him. He lifted the chair beside him in the air with his superpowers and put it a bit further. "See. We both have superpowers." Hyukjae's eyes popped out. "I- you-" Hyukjae mumbled some incoherent words. "How can you not believe when you saw the demon with your own eyes?" The elder asked. "I THOUGHT HE WAS CRAZY LIKE YOUR BROTHER!!!"

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