Chapter Nine

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Across from the swingset, two pre-teen boys ran up a ramp to land at the top of a metal slide. The older of the two held out his hands as if doing magic, and although he was too far away to hear, Kenneth could tell by his facial expression that he was making sound effects.

The young boy ducked and threw his palm forward, and the eldest boy playfully fell back. This imaginary magical battle continued; one of the boys ran down the slide, and another jumped over the railing to ambush.

A tear rolled down Kenneth's cheek as he observed from afar. It wasn't fair. His younger brothers weren't any less innocent than these two boys, yet they suffered a tragic fate. No, it wasn't fair at all. Kenneth kicked his swing off the ground, allowing the wind to blow out his welling tears.

A million different thoughts ran through Dior's head, but the only emotion he felt was disbelief. "No you didn't," he said, forcing a laugh. "You didn't tell the Interitus, come on."

Rygel frowned. "They paid a sum for me to tell them the coordinates. I have more money in many currencies than I ever have."

Dior's eyebrows lowered. "Money? You ratted out everyone here for money?" His fingers balled into fists, but he still barely believed it. Rygel's supposed to be his companion.

Rygel smiled faintly, but it didn't reach his gray eyes. "I can leave this universe, and live off of this money. It's more than you'd expect." He approached the crate he'd brought in and Dior realized it wasn't merchandise in the bags. "This is only a fraction of what I was paid," Rygel said, bringing a bag over; his fingers pried open the drawstring.

Before Dior, the bag revealed pounds of coins up to the top—more money than he had ever owned or personally witnessed in his life. He gaped, heart pounding as if wanting to reach out to the wealth.

Rygel scooped up a handful of coins. "I can share a portion of this with you—we'll leave right now before your friends get back. Neither of us will ever have to work again, we'll be free and alone."

Dior snapped back into reality. "I don't want to run away!" He pushed past Rygel and the bag. "Halo's family, I can't just leave her." His heart ached, broken like his trust. This is why he hated allowing himself to get personally close to people. This hadn't been the first time someone had betrayed him.

Rygel's eyebrows lowered. "The child isn't your family—don't be emotional. I did this for both of us, I have all this money for both of us to share," he said in a reasonable tone.

"I don't want your money!" Dior seethed, face suddenly reddening. "Actually, you know what? I do—but I'm not a traitor; and I'm not gonna take it. I've got family back home, and Halo's the most important person to me—I'd be a traitor if I go along with your plan."

Rygel stared at Dior as if he somehow still cared, but Dior knew Rygel had betrayed the Venenarius for solely selfish reasons. There was no way he could possibly care anymore. Was this the friend and companion he had known?

"The Interitus will arrive in a day or two, Dior—and you'll be in terrible danger if you stay," Rygel replied.

Dior held up a finger. "Look Rygel, my morals might be messed up in some places—I might even be an alcoholic failure from time to time—but I'm not a traitor," he said, voice firm and forcibly steady—but an underlying edge of anger and frustration still seeped through.

"Then what will you and your friends do?" Rygel asked, his voice now eerily calm, while closing his bag of coins.

Dior hesitated. "I dunno..." he said, carefully. "I' to them." He bent down; found the multi-colored pen from under the shelf, and set it back on the display.

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