He was always such a good boy.

The male doesn't know whether to let out a sniffle or a groan. Reading some nonsense does him no good.
"What were they piling up?"
It isn't like he expects an answer yet not getting one plays on his nerves.
"He took every day until on Friday they had less than a half..."

Mingi is still looking at the paper, which begins to look more and more like a maths problem the teachers enjoyed giving him back in the day.
Placing the paper down, the male walks on the other side of the table. The boxes are covered with a layer of dust as everything else.
Thankfully no spiders were in sight or he would scream like a dying cow.

He goes to inspect the calendar hanging against a closet's side.
The sunflower field picture on it looks worn out as he glances at the month. June, last year's edition.
What did the poor paper go through to be left in such a state just in one year's time?

Mingi doesn't know where to look anymore since the only apparent things are the anonymous letters.
He returns to them, accepting his fate as he seemingly will have to read them all. His brown eyes flash towards the chalkboard and the six boxes drawn on it before slipping down on the table.

The key number is six in this case.
The male notices that the two letters he read just now were truly old judging by the yellowish paper, which stands out among the white sheets.
"One, two, three, four..." he starts to quietly count the papers in the darker shade, pushing the white ones away.

Finally, he finds a fifth piece of paper in the same yellow tone with a few lines on it.
"The chalkboard boxes are connected to the letters!" he informs the silence around him.
Mingi feels hyped up as he rounds the table to step closer to the green board. Maybe people go to escape rooms for this kind of moment when suddenly something becomes clear?
He won't deny, the feeling is a bit exciting.

The red head calms down a bit and starts to search for the sixth letter but it seems like it's not anywhere.
So, there is no connection after all?
The male takes a chair, firstly transferring the two boxes on top of it to the floor and only then sitting down.
He places the two already read letters on one of the boxes next to him and starts reading the third one, not focusing on the gnawing feeling inside of him for now.

I like to have company, so they talk to me. She told me her cat just gave birth to four kittens, a colourful bunch at that. He told me I better keep my promise and go fishing with him next week, yet the weather seems to not like our plans and is pouring water as if from buckets.
He told me his daughter ran away from home, but I didn't get it, so I told him he probably scared her away, which only made him more furious.
She asked me to keep one in her memory when she is no longer here.
They told me h has lost his peak and likes to hang a mirror above himself.
He told me he would also kick me out of his house, and I left.
She told me thank you when I returned and left as well.
I just wanted some company, so I keep telling myself that Snowstorm is the best that ever happened to me.

Mingi lets go of the paper sheet, letting it slowly float down as he rubs his eyes.
The male sighs loudly. He promises to read all of it till the end before trying to dive in deeper.
His hand grabs the fallen paper and puts it on the box that has become his makeshift table. He takes the next letter, not looking forward to it as much.

I'm scared scared scared

scared scared scared scared

scared         scared               scared             scared scared scared


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