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Five years ago.

You were outside in the gardens reading a book while Azula with her friends, Mai and Ty Lee were playing. You didn't pay much attention to them as you were interested in the story you were reading that your father had gifted you when you were ten years old.

At that moment your cousin Zuko with your aunt were walking towards the door leading to the palace but once Azula saw them she begged her mom to say to Zuko to play with them. He didn't want to play with them, he wanted to sit with you as you two were very close. But his mom said that they were siblings and they had to get along.

The game they were playing gained your attention. You watched as Azula placed an apple on Mai's head and sent a little flame in the apple. Zuko started running towards her to get the apple off her head which sent them both inside the fountain.

Ty Lee and Azula started laughing. ''It was funny, wasn't it Alyssa?'' she asked you smirking, once she saw that you were looking at them. ''Leave them alone Azula.'' you said uninteresting, turning back to your book. But you weren't prepare for Zuko to come to you and to start push you to the doors of the palace. Once you were in front of the door you saw your aunt there.

''I was just coming to get you two. Iroh sent a letter from the war-front. You're soaking wet.'' she said to us and then gestured to Zuko's clothes. ''Girls are crazy!'' he yelled. ''Hey!'' you exlaimed and lightly punch his arm. ''Not you.'' he said and rubbed his arm where you hit him. ''Much better.'' you said and smiled at him. He smiled back and you both headed to his room for him to change.

''So what do you think the letter says?'' you asked him once you were to his room. He took at least a minute to answer because he was changing. ''I don't know. Propably about the war, if we are winning or not.'' he pointed out. You nodded, he was right this was something that your father had dreamed about. He wanted to conquer the city of Ba Sing Se.

''Are you ready to go?'' Zuko asked you once he is ready. You nod your head and you start to walk where your aunt was waiting.

. . .

He had sent two letters one for you and one for Azula and Zuko.

Dear Alys,

I know that I haven't be able to write much since the war started and I'm very sorry for that Alys. Me and Lu Ten have missed you so much and we can't wait for the war to be over to be all together again. With this letter I send a book that I hope you will enjoy reading. Lu Ten sends his regards and love and I send mine.


Your dad.

You grinned as you read the letter and quickly went to where your gift was along with Zuko and Azula's. You saw that he had got Zuko a knife and Azula a doll. You opened your book seeing that it was about dragons making you smile like a fool.

''What got you so smiling?'' Azula asked you with a frown since she didn't like her doll. She then grabbed your book and held it to see what it is. She smiled deviously when she saw that it was something that you were interesting in.

''Hey! Give it back!'' you tried to grab the book but she just took a step back. You did it a few times before her mom forced her to give it back to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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