"you're late," he said, standing in front of me as Marcus moved to his side, making a small wall in front of me. "Yes, I know. and?"

"you're late. That means extra training black."

"okay." I said nonchalantly, grabbing my broom from the bench I was sitting on. "Listen here, black. Your father must have been an average player but you are shit at Quidditch. so next time, get here early so you can practise and become at least average." Adrien said, walking closer to me and looking me right in the eyes.

"hmm, well first of all, my father wasn't an 'average' player he was one of the best players. he and James potter are the reason Gryfffindor always won. and not only that but he was a better player then your father and his teammates. Second of all, I'm not a shit player either. because if i really was, then i wouldn't be on the team, nor would i be the first woman on the team in decades. So Adrien, kindly shut the fuck up and let me be." Briar replied to him, stepping closer to Adrien, and glaring at him. As they stood there, Adrien felt threatened.

he knew not to mess with Blair, because she would hex him. "Why were you late today?" He asked me. " I'm on my period. I was cleaning up the blood." I knew mentioning that I was on my period would make him shut up but also adding blood would make him even more uncomfortable and scared. "now leave me the fuck alone Pucey." I said, as I backed up and walked away, leaving them there.

I walked over to the ground where the rest of the players were standing as we waited for Adrien to come here. He was the captain of the team and one of the beaters. Marcus, Bole and I were chasers and Draco was a seeker. The other beater was Montague and the keeper was Griffen. Since Theo injured his leg not too long ago he was substituted by Griffen.

Bole was a 6th year slytherin. He had a buzz cut, and a scar that went from the top of his Right eyebrow to his right cheek. He had tattoos, and a good build which always scared people and made them stay away from him. He had this Silver necklace he would always wear, which sparked up rumours that it was the necklace of the first person he killed, or he stole it. However, Bole got that necklace from his mom. She gave it to him right before she died when he was 7 and he never took it off after that. Besides what people thought about him, Bole was a very nice person. He was the first person to welcome me to quidditch and has always been nice to me. Bole was one of the nicest and softest people I've ever met.

Montague was the opposite. He didn't have a good build or any tattoos. He was a skinny guy, with brown fluffy hair and a cute smile. People would assume he's a nice person but he was not. In fact, he was what people made bole out to be. Montague was the kid who was trying to be like Draco and Mattheo. He wanted to be apart of our 'group' and followed those two around. he would hex random first years and disrespect teachers. He would call the girls names and then Run to his father if something happened to him. Montague was the wannabe, weak boy who would boast about his fighting abilities; both physically and with spell but run from a fight within the first glance. Safe to say everyone hated him. Even snape. Even Minnie.

Griffen was in between. He was nice, but self obsessed to the limit. He wouldn't hex first years, but you would catch him threatening them with detention over the littlest things. He was a prefect and acted like a role model infront of the teachers, but the moment they left he would not care about anything. Griffen would never back down from a fight. Even if it meant dieing during it. He wouldn't drag his father into stuff either since he didn't have a very present father. That's what girls loved about him. 'the fatherless effect'. Apparently it made him seem 'hot' and 'mysterious' but in reality Draco had caught him crying in Myrtles bathroom multiple times.

"Okay 50 push ups, 20  Pull ups then i want you all to take 20 laps of the ground on feet and then 20 on ur broom. whoever does it fastest gets to leave practice early." Adrien said, Picking up his whistle, before he continued. "Black you have 10 extra pushups and 10 extra laps each for being late" 

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