confrontation. || three.

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah. I believe the school's name was..." said Carla. "Hogwarts?"

And that left our parents completely out of words.

Mrs.Addams chuckled nervously before stating the words, "What are you guys on about?" A furious Nora stood up "Could ask you the same." She snapped at her mother.

"Honestly, What are you talking about?" asked my birth giver. "Oh! Enough with all this hiding!" Mr. Addams shouted out of nowhere.

"But, first how did you find out, kids?" asked Mr. Davis. "Earlier this week, when you were all out, we had a sleepover. When we arrived, Nora was searching for her books..." I started explaining. We told them all about that day.

"Girls. Listen, we are wizards and your mother witches. I and Mathew, Ben, and Seth. We all wanted to tell you, but your mothers thought that it would be best if you all didn't know because of you-know-who's disappearance and we served the dark lord but under utter pressure. We knew he will come back one day or the other. And that is why we decided to keep you away from the other part of the world."

I was trying so hard not to space out because of all the serious talk and I think I succeeded? Idk anyway.

"And we always received letters from Hogwarts, asking us to get you back to the wizarding world as Dumbledore knew we were innocent. That's why we went to Scotland every so often." Finished Nora's Father.

"So that is why you all gave us the ring?" I asked to break the silence. Mrs. Carlton sighed as she said yes. Damn man. I thought it was because they wanted to gift us something not to cover up a lie.

"Does Lindsey know?" Nora asked. Ah yes, Lindsey. She's a very cool woman. She's Nora's older sister. I like her very much.

"Yes. She's been to Hogwarts when she was a child with us, not as a student though. She knew and protested but we managed to convince her." said Nora's Mom.

That was it. The red bull's effect faded and I felt drowsy as I spaced out and thought 'what if Mars suddenly collided with Earth like now? I would die. Yay."

After a lot of questions and answers, I was nudged by Carla just before Nora spoke out "We are gonna attend Hogwarts." No, cause honey I don't remember there being a discussion where I got to state my opinion on it? Sure, I would love to see hot females all day but what if I die, girlie? I haven't even dated a single man, I can't die single.

"Yes, we are." The other two agreed in unison. Guess I'm dying young yall. Do attend my funeral. Wait. What if they don't do a funeral for me.

"What?! No way. We wanted you all to be safe that's the whole point of this." protested Mrs. Anderson.

That might be possible, yes. My parents would probably not give me a funeral because funerals are expensive. They would have to sell my body to get the money to execute the funeral. What would be a funeral if the dead one's body wasn't there, man.

"But we ought to be what we are meant to be! We are all goddamn witches!" I argued. Gotta support them homies.

"We agree with them. They don't belong here." Said Mr. Davis. Yes I don't. I belong in the arms of S.coups.

After a lot of arguments, our fathers taking our side, Nora lost it. "We are going to the wizarding world and that's final." She spoke. "If you all are trying to protect us, no. You are not. So, that's the final decision we take." declared Iris.

Before they could let out an argument against our decision, we all went upstairs just to avoid another exhausting debate. A can wasn't enough. I need a tank full of red bull.

I went to the room across Nora's. It was a guest bedroom. It was also the one I always sleep in, since it has a balcony from where I could stare at the blanket of constillations and solar systems. Astronomy was something that piqued my interest very much. I was only good at physics, thanks to astronomy being a part of it.

I picked up a blanket, wrapping it around myself and I leaned onto the railings looking at the constillations. My eyes were quick to find the Lupus Aureus constillation. It's always had some sort of significance over me. Im not sure why I like it but it's as if I'm fated to like it.

And yeah I stayed up until like 2 am, maybe even a lil longer.


I still didn't get my chocky :(
-RJ <3

(Word Count: 1399)

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