"Ramona?" she called for her.

With no reply, y/n decided to go check on her. She was about to step down the hall when she felt a sudden tap on her shoulder. The unexpected pressure made her jump and spin around. 

"Here," Ramona held out a blue blanket.

Y/n glanced down the hall and then back to Ramona, taking the soft fabric from her hands, "How did you...?"

"So do you want to watch a movie?" she cut her off, walking past her to the living room. 

"Uh, sure."

As y/n entered the room, she noticed it was very neat just like the other parts of the house. There didn't seem to be a speck of dust and everything had been neatly organised, the complete opposite of what her place was like. 

She walked over to the sofa and sat down, enveloping herself in the blanket as she sank into the cushions. The softness of the blanket warmed her body, chasing away the coldness she felt before.

Ramona knelt down by the tv stand to flick through the movie cases she had stored. She mumbled the titles to herself as she read each cover until she found one she thought both her and y/n would enjoy.

"Is this okay?" she held it up.

Y/n leant forward to take a closer look. Satisfied with her choice, she hummed in agreement and shrank back into the corner of the sofa.

Ramona clicked the disk into the tv and turned it on. The fluorescent light lit up the room as the disk whirred within the plastic box.

As she sat down, y/n offered a corner of the blanket. She happily accepted and pulled half of it over her, shuffling a little closer so that it would be able to cover both of them. Their eyes fell on the screen as the movie began.

The movie wasn't too long, maybe around an hour. Every so often y/n would steal glances of the woman sat next to her but she didn't think she noticed... until she heard a light snicker barely escape her lips. They didn't talk much throughout but they seemed comfortable just sitting silently together.

It was nearing the end of the movie so y/n checked her phone. Her eyes widened when she noticed the time, it really didn't feel like she'd been with her for that long.

"Thanks for having me round but I think I should go now. It's getting quite late," she gave her an apologetic smile.

"Why don't you stay? I can't send you home in that," Ramona gestured to the window where you could still see heaps of snow flashing by.

Y/n thought it over for a moment. The offer was tempting, there was no way she'd be able to get back to her place without a cold and a bunch of snow down her top.

"Are you sure? I don't want to overstay."

"Don't be silly. I don't mind having you overnight."

It was true Ramona didn't want to send her home in such weather - she didn't want her to be harmed - although it was also partly because she didn't want their time together to end yet. There was still a lot she wanted to know about her and she was curious to see how things would go between them.

She folded the blanket onto y/n's lap and got up, switching the tv off as she made her way to the door. When she heard the lack of footsteps following her, she paused in the doorway.

She turned to face y/n, "You coming?"

She seemed confused at first but then glanced at the sofa as things clicked in her mind, "Oh, I thought-"

"No that thing is way too small to sleep on. Just come with me."

Ramona didn't wait and made her way towards her room, finally hearing the footsteps she expected.

Her bed was directly in front of them when they stepped in, with a bedside table on the left. On the right was an open wardrobe with a variety of t-shirts hung up and a bookshelf with a few draws at the bottom. There was also a desk with a computer which took up most of the space.

As y/n walked further in, she noticed a few posters and polaroid pictures stuck to the wall. There was a door next to the one they had just entered which she assumed to be a bathroom.

Ramona moved over to the draws and slid one open, "Here, you can borrow these."

She picked out some pyjamas and tossed them to y/n while also choosing some for herself. They faced away from each other as they pulled the loose fabrics onto their bodies, discarding their day clothes to the side. 

Ramona went to one side of the bed and pulled back the duvet, sinking herself into the mattress. The slight creak made y/n look over.

Just seeing the bed made her thoughts wander, even though she was trying her best to keep them in check. She traced her eyes along the wrinkles of the sheets to distract herself and try and bring herself back to reality.

Ramona could sense her hesitation, "What? Are you nervous?" she teased.

"Shut up... of course not."

She ambled over to the other side to lay next to Ramona, pulling the duvet back up over them. Despite purposely not getting too close, their faces were still merely inches apart.

Ramona snaked her hands around her torso, drawing her closer so their bodies were pressed together, "Come on, I don't bite."

Y/n could feel her face heat up a little. Her gaze wandered over each of her features, settling on her lips. It took some self control but she was able to stop herself. Instead, she just chuckled in response and rested her arms around her.

"Goodnight," she mumbled.


Y/n Y/l/n VS The World (Ramona Flowers x Female Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ