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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

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01. it is rarely what we expect

02. Percy will be fine

03. on second thought, Percy will not be fine

04. if I had wanted to take over the world, I would have

05. your seventeen months old sister may not approve of you dying Percy

06. surprisingly no one wants Percy to die, even Mr. D

07. cool, a shabby house that could use some renovations

08. when the soul breaks with the heart

09. Percy's cursed? Ha! Of course she is!

10. chocolates for broken hearts and minds

11. absent leaders and present noses

12. more time

13. rules are meant to be broken and a haircut to soothe away the trauma?

14. "it'll be alright, everything, it'll be alright"

15. awful perhaps but still wonderful

16. escape plans, late night talks, some thoughts of a kid that shouldn't be one

17. evils of schools, lavender roses, teeth whitening potions and hydrangeas

18. paul conducts how to dad classes in his free time; impossible to join though, only open for gods

19. lists, slytherins and insatiable needs

20. lovely guests with questionable tastes and annoying potions partners

21. the slytherins struggle the most in this one

22. promises haunt people

23. we slytherins take care of each other

24. where evil lurks

25. nothing quite like true friendship

26. way to victory?

27. the way you get someone to fall in love with you

28. is to slay all that had bothered them with a sword

29. the arrival of pink and the most undeserving individual

30. of course she did, of course they will

31. sharp tongues and sharper memories

32. to make choices in a choice less world

33. more promises but none to ensure her survival

34. again with the choices

35. that camp of hers

36. there's always the choice to make it more fun

37. to be celebrated is to be miserable

38. caught

39. coolest person ever

40. a danger of course

41. many things

42. used to this

43. saving the giant squid or whatever

44. little experiments

45. talking about experiments

46. it matters

BROKEN PIECES & GOLDEN SEAMSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ