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17. evils of schools, lavender roses, teeth whitening potions and hydrangeas

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By Potions class, Percy's shoulder aches with the book bag she had to carry all day through. There hadn't been a single free class for her because by some gods' blessing, she'd have to catch up five years of magical education in one year.

She lets herself collapse on the bench at the far back, her eyes falling shut as she rests her head on her crossed arms on the desk. Ten minutes of shut eye would do her great good but uneasiness pricks the back of her neck and she shifts in her less than comfortable position on the wooden desk.

Cursing the age old builders of the castle for making the most uncomfortable benches known to mankind, she sits up, running a hand through her hair. She religiously keeps her gaze on the book bag from which she retrieves her brand new Potions book. She feels several eyes on her.

"How was the day, Percy?"

She hears Harry before she sees him. The scuff of the floor with the way he tends to drag his feet too much and the pants of air that escapes him as if the weight of the world rests upon his shoulders.


Fortunately, the bespectacled boy takes her unintelligible grunt with a chuckle, sliding down next to her. Hermione and Ron wave to her from two rows front.

"Not so good then?"

"Well, I don't know," her voice goes shriller at the rant they both know is coming. "I would prefer to not have five years worth of education dumped on me in one godsdamned day!"

Looking at him properly, she sees sympathy from the peer who survives the same hell. "You'll get used to it," he reassures him or atleast attempts to, seeing that he cringes at himself a beat later.

"That's not very reassuring," she mumbles.

"There's Hermione," he gives a triumphant grin like he had found the very answer of every question in the universe. "You can always ask her for help."

"That is reassuring," she returns the grin, pulling the notes of the previous years the brightest witch had provided her. "If not for her, it would have been the most humiliating day of my life." She shudders, horror overtaking her features. "Man, being asked questions in front of eleven year olds is as bad as I remember."

Harry laughs, his eyes crinkling around the corners. "Tell me about it, mate. I hated that—I mean, wouldn't we stand up if we knew the answer?" He wildly flails his hand toward the front. "Hermione would be right there, waving her hand—but no, the teachers would pick us, who wouldn't know shit!"

"Yeah, if they have put a system, they should follow it, don't they?" Percy agrees readily, the evils of school was a topic she was well versed in. "I swear to Hades, they do this to torment poor us."

"That they do." He nods sagely. "Merlin, you still haven't seen Snape."

"Isn't that my House Head?" She winces at her memory of the man.

Harry offers an emphatic nod.

"Yeah, I don't think we're gonna get along,"

"Don't worry, it's all part of the magical experience,"

"Being bullied by your teacher?"

"Yes, absolutely."

"Yeah, sounds about right," more proof for her theory that mortal and magical schools are hardly different.

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