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Over the course of three decades of relentless innovation, a remarkable era known as 'the print age' emerged. It was during this time that Generation Beta, led by the visionary mind of Jesse Udoh, birthed the revolutionary 3D printer. The printer possessed the power to materialize anything from the very carbon particles in the air, accomplishing this remarkable feat in a matter of nanoseconds.

Despite his groundbreaking achievement, Jesse faced opposition from conspiracy theorists who speculated that he was a government plant. These theorists, influenced by sci-fi movie narratives, feared the consequences of introducing advanced technology to a world unprepared for its power, anticipating cataclysmic outcomes. Undeterred, Jesse pressed on, determined to carve out a name for Nigeria and prove the critics wrong. His relentless pursuit of progress knew no bounds.

Jesse and a team of international scientists focused on cloning collaborated to advance their work. By 2072, 3D printers became available to the world, though initially at high costs. To prevent potential repercussions, Jesse and his team made the technology affordable and portable. Soon, these compact devices resembling Rubik's cubes became commonplace in households, streets, schools, and offices.

These remarkable 3D printers had the power to transform lives with a simple touch, rearranging matter to fulfill people's desires. With the ability to sense users' hand details, they made the concept of currency obsolete. Individuals could effortlessly materialize their deepest desires from the comfort of their homes.

The advent of the 3D printer brought about a remarkable transformation, effectively mitigating poverty and leading to a substantial decline in crime rates. With poverty eradicated, the motivations for theft and murder diminished significantly. Jesse, having achieved his aspirations, played a pivotal role in Nigeria's ascent as the global capital of goodwill, where humanity thrived on unity and mutual support.

In the present era of the 22nd century, Jesse continues to live a vibrant life, at the age of 58, leaving an indelible mark on the world. His groundbreaking work has touched the lives of billions, saving countless individuals from adversity and despair. Such is the magnitude of his contributions that the world has bestowed upon him his own designated day, July 3rd, to honor his extraordinary accomplishments.
On the inaugural Jesse Udoh Day, a momentous occasion coinciding with the 13th birthday of a young civilian named Leke, anticipation fills the air. Leke, now transitioning into adolescence, desires to commemorate his special day by joining the vibrant Jesse Udoh parade. He turns to his ever-supportive mother, Bose, who has always fulfilled his wishes. However, this time, an unexpected refusal leaves Leke perplexed and frustrated. Content with his life and rarely asking for much, the denial of this particular request stirs a deep sense of disappointment within him, especially since his classmates have the opportunity to attend the parade.

Despite Bose's refusal to let Leke attend the Jesse Udoh parade, she ensured that her son's birthday remained a joyous celebration. Laden with gifts and surprises, she lavished him with everything he desired and more. But deep within Leke, the burning desire to witness the parade still persisted. As he peered through the window of their hovering abode, observing a bustling world filled with flying cars and awe-inspiring technological marvels, a sense of restlessness overtook him.

Once Bose had bid him goodnight and retired to her own room, Leke seized the opportunity to fulfill his clandestine yearning. Pulling the drapes away from his body, he slipped out of bed with utmost caution. In the subdued darkness, he meticulously rummaged through his wardrobe, dressing himself in a black beanie and a zippered black sweater. Completing his ensemble with his usual customary pair of black gloves, he transformed into a figure of near-invisibility, aided by his deeply pigmented skin.

Leke retrieved his device and swiftly messaged his friend, Madu, informing him of his intention to sneak out and attend the parade. The parade grounds were just a short walk away from Leke's house, and despite the late hour, the festivities were in full swing. The heightened security measures put his worries to rest, as he ventured out into the night. With no one to stop him, Leke felt a twinge of guilt for disregarding his mother's words, but the allure of the parade before his birthday concluded was too strong to resist.

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