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I stepped out of my car in the familiar surroundings of our compound. Walking past the front of the car, I opened the door for my fiancée, Tope, who cautiously placed her feet on the ground. It was a joy to see her free from the confines of the hospital ward and adorned in a lovely blue dress, exuding a sense of casual elegance. I had hoped that her return home this morning would trigger a rush of memories, a reconnection to our shared experiences, but nothing seemed to stir within her.

Tope's memory seemed to hold onto only one fragment: the gateman's name, Suleiman. Yet, she couldn't place the face when he opened the gate for us. I guided her through the cozy ambiance of our parlor, leading her upstairs to our bedroom. Throughout the journey, she appeared mostly lost, except for a flicker of recognition as she passed by the mirror on the wall, catching a glimpse of herself. She settled on the bed, pulling the duvet over her legs, feeling the soft fabric of the queen-size bed. We had been advised by the doctor to engage in these familiar activities, hoping to trigger her memory, but so far, it hadn't seemed to work. The doctor had assured us that it would take time for her to regain her memories, and we held onto that hope.

"What exactly happened?" Tope finally posed the question, as she grappled with the extent of her memory loss, even when it came to remembering me. I began, hesitant to reveal the full truth to her fragile memory. "You were involved in an accident. We were on a boat cruise, and unfortunately, you fell overboard, hitting your head as you plunged into the water. you gave all of us quite a scare." I could see the confusion in Tope's eyes as she tried to piece together the fragments of her lost memories. I asked Tope to lie down, encouraging her to rest and allowing her mind the opportunity to process and potentially retrieve any forgotten memories.

I left her alone to rest, deep in thought in the living room, contemplating how to help her regain her memories. The fact that she couldn't remember was becoming increasingly unsettling, especially considering the limited time we had left for our wedding. I was torn between the fear of her memories flooding back all at once, thus overwhelming her or not getting them at all. All I wanted was what was best for both of us, but I couldn't seem to find a solution that would guarantee the outcome I desired.

Two hours later, after dozing off on the couch lost in my thoughts, I ascended the stairs to check on Tope. Opening the door, I found her already awake, sipping hot coffee in bed while leaning against the bed frame. "My phone ringing woke me up. Many of my friends were checking up on me, and even a man I don't think I know called..." Tope mentioned, but she quickly dismissed it, mindful of the fact that I was her fiancée and she didn't want to give the wrong impression. "I think it was a wrong number, though" she reassured me. I assured her that it was okay and that she didn't need to feel guarded around me.

"Anyways, I decided to take my medication just now before you came." I walked up to the bed, taking a seat beside her and admiring her beautiful face. I hesitated for a moment before leaning in for a kiss, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. She gave me the go-ahead and leaned in as well, our lips meeting briefly. "Anything?" I asked, hoping that the kiss would trigger a memory. She shook her head, still unable to recall our past together. "I may not remember you, Ruona, but I know we're engaged, and I'm going to make this work, okay?" Tope raised her finger, showcasing the ring on her hand. I was touched by her enthusiasm and commitment, even in the face of such challenging circumstances.

An idea popped in my head, reminiscent of scenes from movies where music therapy helped people regain their lost memories. I believed that playing a song we both cherished might reignite something within my fiancée. I grabbed my phone and connected it to a speaker, selecting "Someone to You" by Banners. As the music filled the room, I started swaying to the beat, lip-syncing along to the lyrics.

"What song is this?" she asked, a smile slowly spreading across her face. 
"It's the only foreign song you enjoy," I replied, my own smile growing. "It's your favorite, apart from every Davido song, of course. 'I wanna be somebody to someone, SOMEONE TO YOU'," I sang, diving into the chorus with enthusiasm.

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