Chapter 5: Nightcrawler

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"Dark...what is that." I said, looking at my hotel door as I just finished the cure. Dark then walked over. It seemed to be a gootraxian with purple goggles and three lenses, most likely a lizard. It then lept at me, crashing into my hotel bed. "AGH!" I yelled. This commotion was definitely going to get some guards up here. I ran out of the hotel room, snatching the cure and heading to the elevator with Dark. Just as I pressed the 'Lab' button, the Nightcrawler ran for the door as it closed. We went down the elevator, standing by it in the reception area. The elevator doors closed, going up. Then down...and a human was inside of it instead of the Nightcrawler for some reason. "Uhhhh...I'm just gonna..." The human said, walking away slowly as me and Dark eyed the elevator. The elevator doors closed, and a few seconds later, opened. The Nightcrawler then leaped onto me, clawing at me face. Dark rammed into the Nightcrawler, pinning it to a wall. I then punched the Nightcrawler as hard as I could. The Nightcrawler then kicked Dark, doing a front flip in the air, then smashing into the ground. It's goggles glowed bright, and started running for us with it's right arm on it's forehead. Me and dark ran across the hallway where the garden was, heading for the hound area, when we saw a guard. "Hey! What are yo- what the fuck is that..." The guard said. The Nightcrawler was right behind us, grabbed the guard by the neck, and threw him into a wall. "HOLY SHIT!" I yelled, causing more attention than that Nightcrawler was. John then came into the room, with a minigun in hand. "Hey, listen. I know that's you Dr. L. I saw your lab coat on the ground next to a crystal." John said, pointing the minigun at the Nightcrawler, running towards us. "I don't have time to talk." I said, baring my teeth at the Nightcrawler and growling.

The Nightcrawler ran towards us, and John fired his minigun off at it. The Nightcrawler didn't seem to care that much, as the bullets just passed through it. "What in the fuck...this minigun isn't doing ANYTHING!" John yelled. The Nightcrawler lept towards me, but I did a back flip behind the little balcony thing and the Nightcrawler ended up hitting it's head. Kinda like...stunning it in a video game. Dark then jumped onto the Nightcrawler clawing it as fast as they could. I then punched the Nightcrawler in the goggles again, as I wasn't really used to my new body to be able to fight the most powerful gootraxian out there. The Nightcrawler then fell over, as I watched John leave the room. "I hope he's coming back with something better..." I thought. Dark was still clawing at the Nightcrawler, and was running out of breath fast. Just then, John came back with a literal RPG-7. "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT?!" I yelled. "Nothing much. I've got more weapons than you realize in my armory." John replied. "Stand back!" John exclaimed. Dark jumped off of the Nightcrawler, running towards where we were. I would say we were about 7 meters away from the Nightcrawler, when John fired the rocket launcher. I watched as the rocket headed towards the Nightcrawler's goggles.


Grey and black goo flung everywhere. There was a hole in the ground too. All that was left was broken pieces of the goggles. "Huh." I said. I then looked at the cure in my left paw, and walked towards the bathroom as I saw John and Dark walking with me. I then closed the bathroom door, leaving myself in the room. "Please work please work..." I said as I slowly injected the cure into my arm. The fluids were now in my bloodstream, and the fur, horns, tail, and ears just disappeared out of thin air. Then same with the goo. I was back to being human and for some reason, I had my lab coat on. Better than being naked. I then walked out of the bathroom. "Well, glad to see it worked." Dark said. "Uh huh. Anyways, I need to go clean up my hotel room...and bed is kinda destroyed." I said. "I guess we got our mystery gootraxian now." John said. "Yeah..." I replied. I then walked towards the elevator, going up to my hotel room.

John's POV

"Listen, I know this is breaking the rules and all, but I'll let you go out into the world." I said. "Really?" Dark asked with excitement. "Really. Now come on." J said as I walked towards the elevator with Dark. "Just press the 'Surface' button, and go live your life." I said. I watched as Dark pressed the button, and the doors closing. "See you." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.


Dr. L's POV

I had finished cleaning up my hotel room, but uh, my bed was still snapped in half. I then walked down the elevator, into the crystal caves, to see a Slimepup playing with someone, and two other people. "That Slimepup is harmless." I said. The two beside him called him Mark. I am guessing that was his name.

The End

Yes sirrrrr I finished this book yeah I know there weren't many chapters, that's only because I struggle to think of ideas and stuff anyways yeah this book was a prequel to my other book, "Friends turned" so yeah go read that for a continuation of this book kinda so yeah anyways bye

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