"Let's go now". And we all drove towards the hospital. I was holding Kyle's hand throughout the entire drive. He was still warm. His hands were grabbing mine tightly but he still didn't open his eyes.
"Please. Please save him. I beg you please". I kept whispering.

We all reached the hospital and Kyle was placed on the stretcher. The nurses and doctors raced towards the operation theater. Soon the light turned red and the curtains closed, indicating that the operation has started.

I was pacing around. I couldn't rest. I needed to know if he's okay.
Suddenly I felt dizzy, everything was becoming blurry and I could barely keep my balance. Before I could fall, some nurses around us caught hold of me.

"Ma'am we need to treat your injuries too. Your wounds might get infected".
"No-no Kyle-
"Sophia we all are here. Nothing will happen to him. Please get yourself treated". Claire begged me. I had no choice. I let myself being taken by the nurses and doctors to get treatment. They were cleaning all my wounds before they could start operating to take out the bullet. The moment they injected the anesthesia, I found myself falling into a deep slumber.


It took me ages and i mean ages to open my eyes. The tiredness was hitting me to the core. Slowly, I opened my eyes, getting adjusted to the bright hospital lights. Then I heard the machines around me making sounds, probably alerting the near by staff and the people in the room that i'm awake. How long has it been tho?

The doctors came in to check up on me. No signs of infection. I was given antibiotics through the IV drip. I'm supposed to stay here for a week at max which wasn't bad. Soon the doctor left. I felt the presence of three people next to me.

"Hey baby sis...how you feeling?" I instantly looked to my right and I was so relieved to see my brother Tyler. He is alive. My big brother, even though not blood related to me in any way, he is my brother, the best one ever.

"Hey big bro...i feel like shit but I'm recovering. I'm so glad that you're alive".
"Of course sis, I cannot leave you in any situation. I-I'm so sorry for not being able to protect you I-

"Shhhh I'm here, alive and breathing. Now don't worry too much, otherwise you won't recover well". He chuckled while cupping my cheek lovingly.

"Baby tiger!!" Ryan exclaimed from behind, having a huge smile on his face. He helped me to sit straight while minding my injuries and instantly hugged me.
"I'm so so glad you're alive! You've been out for almost 2 days!"

Suddenly Ash spoke, "it wasn't anything serious. Along with the injuries, you have a lot of mental trauma and exhaustion. You were just letting yourself recover".
Tyler excused himself to meet Noah. Ash told that Claire went to get coffee for everyone.

Seeing Ryan at the corner looking over my files, I asked Ash, "umm ash did you umm...you know-
"He knows Sophs. I told him everything". He said with a soft smile. I was sort of puzzled but ultimately happy for them.

"Yeah baby tiger, he told me everything. At first I was extremely mad. Heck I was on the verge of leaving him. But I just couldn't. He's my everything and I'm going to stand by his side forever". Ryan said out of nowhere while intertwining his hands with Ash who had a soft blush on his face. It made me smile unknowingly. At least they got their happiness.

When all of a sudden I remembered.

"Whe-where is Kyle?"
Their faces went blank after my question.
"I asked you guys something, Where. Is. Kyle".
My voice got sterner with my words. They couldn't look at me in eyes.
"Kyle managed to survive Sophie but..."
"But what Ash? TELL ME!"

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