Chapter 5

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"Omg is that kyle HUGGING THE COLDIE!". "Does he not care about his existence-, "ya'll i bet she is gonna beat him up for real, let's take out our cameras."

All the students took out their phones and started to record the two. It was a sight which couldn't be missed at all. Sophia, the girl who everyone was afraid to even look at her direction, was openly being embraced by the newbie Kyle. They all expected her to punch him but nothing as such happened.

Sophia literally froze on her spot. She couldn't even comprehend what was happening right now. This guy really had the guts to hug her in front of the entire university. She didn't hug him back because she couldn't even comprehend what is present and what is future right now.

"Umm kyle maybe back off right now?" Claire says fearing that sophia might just kill the guy with her bare hands.
Ryan and Ash were secretly praying for his life. They all know how much sophia hates it when strangers just touch her out of nowhere. And Kyle had the balls to do it.

"Oops my bad, giving hugs is my way of accepting an apology but I can't wait for the spaghetti tonight". He casually says as he releases sophia from his embrace.

"Alright i'll see you in class sophiee~"He says as he walks towards his lecture.

"Umm sophie you good?
"Are you sure you want to attend class? You literally look like you're about it explode."

"What the fuck just happened? Did this blondie just hug you!" Ryan exclaims.

"Well he accepted my apology so no dinner tonight." Sophia casually mentions it.

"What no! Oh come on at least parcel some to us too!" Claire whines in protest.
Sophia just rolls her eyes and tells them that she is heading to class now.

"Do you think she liked the hug?"
"Well considering she didn't even push him away-."

The three looked at each other and thought the same thing but then

"Nah there is no way" they all laughed and went towards their respective classrooms


Sophia harshly opens the bathroom door and locks it
She was literally going mad right now. Why? Is it because Kyle hugged her without her consent? No
The problem is...

"Why the fuck was my mind feeling so hazed, his...his fucking scent was making my stomach twist and turn. The way we both perfectly fit in each other's arms."
Sophia couldn't figure out why she was going absolutely insane. Kyle's sweet but addicting scent was not leaving her lungs at all. His body felt so warm and so right against her.

What kind of feeling is this?

Deeply sighing, she splashes water on her face and drys herself. Carrying her bag, she exits the washroom and moves to her class.

As soon as she enters, once again the whispers start but this time the topic was different and Kyle was definitely present.

"Yo i heard kyle hugged sophia today and you know the most interesting part? She didn't say or do anything. Do you think something is going on?" One girl whispers and soon followed by the other students.
Unbothered by all this she goes and sits on her desk.
She places her books and gets ready for class. Soon after Kyle also enters the class and felt slightly intimidated by the stares of the other students. What is the big deal in giving a hug? Just because she is different from others? He couldn't understand why people were behaving like this.
He took his seat beside sophia who as always didn't pay any attention towards him. He slightly pouted at the fact that she was once again not acknowledging his presence. But was he gonna give up? We'll have to find out that.

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