Chapter 16

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*The day after Kyle left the house*

Kyle abruptly left without any explanation. Of course why would he tell me where he is going. I'm not worth it at all.
My leg is still recovering and surprisingly my wrists are back to normal. Don't know how that happened but whatever. I still can't go on any missions and it's honestly making me mad. There are still so many flesh trade businesses and I can't just rest here.

Let me just call Ryan and see what's happening over there.
It took two rings for him to pick up.
"Hey baby tiger!! How are you??" His enthusiastic voice screamed which made me smile.
"Hey Ryan how are you? How's things over there?" I ask him.

"Things are going very peaceful here. Only thing is that Ash is going out very frequently and when he comes back, he has heavy eye bags and his eyes are red. I'm honestly very worried for him". His voice goes low at the end and I immediately understood.
Every fibre was telling me to tell Ryan the truth but again, it's their matter and they should solve it. I'm not going to butt in.

"Hey don't stress over it. I'm sure that he is just overworking himself. Why don't you try and talk to him?"
"I tried to but he simply just smiles at me and tells me not to worry".
"Don't worry Ryan, i'll talk to him if you permit me. I'll make him understand okay?" I ask for his permission.

"Nah it's fine baby tiger, I trust him with all my heart and soul. I'm sure he will be alright. We need to plan out our future also like omg i'm so excited to spend my life with him eeek!!"

He suddenly became excited which made my heart swell in pain. Poor guy doesn't even know that he's indirectly a part of a dark world. I really want to tell him the truth but it's not my place to tell.

"You guys are so in love like it's making me jealous." I joked with him to lighten up the environment.
"Aww don't worry baby, I'm sure you're gonna get your happy ending too. I can feel it. Like all this stress and sadness will soon come to an end". He encourages me.
"Okay sir now i gotta rest. I'll talk to you soon"
"Toodles tiger!"

He cuts the call and i lay back on the couch. Sometimes I truly wonder why life has thrown me in such a gutter. Do i really not deserve one ounce of happiness? Is this the punishment i have to face for being born in a dirty, filthy family? Why is universe not allowing me and Kyle to be together?
So many questions and yet there is no answer.

Suddenly the doorbell rings. I became cautious. Slowly grabbing my gun, I walk towards the door and peek through the eye hole. Breathing a sigh of relief, I opened it. It was Tyler.

"Hey baby sis. How's your leg now?" He asks while he hugs me. God his hugs are the best.

"It's getting better now. How's things back in DC?"
"It's going good. We still gathering more information on the human trafficking trades and so far we only managed to get our hands on 20 of them. But surprisingly the activities have come to a complete stop which is making me more suspicious". He finishes.

"Even if the activities have stopped for now. We can't keep still brother. I guess they're getting track on us. We need to be careful". I say while taking a seat on the couch beside him.

"Well you're right about that. Also grandpa is behind my ass to get married like doesn't he fucking understand that I do not want to get married". Tyler angrily says while i start laughing. Grandpa definitely knows all about Tyler and his hookup lifestyle. Poor guy cannot even bring a prostitute as his fake fiancé.

"Chill out brother, just tell him you need more time. He's only 70 anyways".
"Ugh you only explain it to him, the old man never listens to me". He rolls his eyes and I chuckle at him.

Sweet or Bittersweet Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon