Chapter 2

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I don't even know how long it has been since Brandon left and for how long I am sitting in the deserted park. It is almost 7 pm. The moon looked dull today, no stars were brightly shining. It was as if the moon left bad for me. It knew today turned out to be the worst day of my life. But I wasn't feeling bad that I had a break up. Heck I didn't even know what I am feeling at this point.

But one thing is confirmed. Love is just not meant for me in this lifetime, seeing the tears in Brandon's eyes and knowing that I caused it just made me feel like the worst human being ever.

That's it. No more love and no more relationships. If everything is going to end up like this then I have absolutely no interest to fall in love. If dying alone is written in my fate then so be it.
I was in my deep thoughts when I heard my phone ring, sighing I picked it up only to hear the voice I despise the most,

"Young lady if you plan on not returning home then stay out, at least I don't have to deal with making dinner all the time for you. Your father has gone for his business trip and won't return for at least 4 months and I am going to nana's house and will be gone for a month, we've given the cooks a break so deal with your food plans and don't disturb us." She says and immediately cuts the call before I could say anything. Well at least I'll be at peace for sometime. Taking a deep breathe and picking up my bag, I went to the bus stand.

While waiting for the bus, from a far distance I could see someone running towards the bus stand. The bus was gonna arrive in 5 minutes so it was no big deal that he was in a rush. Soon he came and took a seat beside me and was panting heavily. I chose to ignore him and paid attention to the music blasting in my ears.

Soon the bus came and we both climbed on and took our seats.
I was staring out and looking at the dark night, it wasn't so late but it felt gloomy. I was brought out of my thoughts when i heard the same guy speaking on the phone.

"Hey wifey~, yeah i'm coming home soon, tell Kyle and Shawn that today we'll be going out for dinner, it's been so long since I spent time with my family. Take care i'll be back soon! Love you~". He ends the call. Man must be good to have such a loving family. It's bad for me to feel jealous but I couldn't help it, why my life had to be so miserable? Did i kill the king in my past life to deserve all this.

My thoughts were once again disturbed when our stop arrived. The man hurriedly moved forward, i gave him the space to go first, he must be really desperate to meet his family. While moving I noticed a picture falling from his wallet while he was paying for the bus ticket. I picked it up and it was a drawing, probably drawn by a little kid. The drawing was of a man, a woman and two boys. All of them smiling. A sigh left my mouth and i got down and looked for the man. I saw him frantically searching for something. I moved towards him and tapped his shoulder.

"Uh excuse me sir i think you dropped this while paying for your ticket". He turned around and saw the picture and brightly smiled and a sigh of relief left his mouth.

"Yes yes! I was looking for it, thank you so much for bringing this to me. My younger son drew this for my wife and my anniversary. Ever since then i have carried it with me. It's like my lucky charm you know". He said happily.
It stung my heart. Not in a bad way, the way he is beaming with happiness for a small drawing, it gave me flashbacks to

Flashback : Sophia's parents anniversary
"I really hope mama and papa like my drawing!!" Little sophia was excited about her drawing which she made for her parents anniversary. Little did she know how much her heart was going to break.
She went to the living room and saw her parents on the sofa...away from each other. She happily came towards them. They both looked irritated after seeing her but calmed themselves.

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