Chapter 24: Betrayal (Kaiju Paradise X Male Reader)

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A: "Daran? Are you there?"

D: "This Daran. Any luck on your end?"

The two Coles were communicating through walkie talkies.

A: "Sorry, but no... what about you?"

D: "We check almost all of facility, yet no luck finding Sasha..."

A: "The only place we haven't checked yet is the panthers den.

D: "Good point, we skipped panthers den after you save me from being raped."

A: "Let's meet up outside the entrance to the den, I'll wait for you there."

D: "Sure thing, Daran out."

Anderson then put his walkie-talkie away and headed for the panthers den entrance.

Around 3 minutes pass, and the two finally see each other again. They take a moment to talk a little bit before heading in.

D: "You sure we wanna search here?"

A: "We haven't found a trace of her anywhere else, im SURE she's here."

D: "Well, we all good in term of combat?"

A: "You said Elfilin had some sort of cool jealing abilities, right?"

D: "Oh right, I always forget he do that."

A: "Well, no objections, so we're all ready."

With that, the two made a little more preparations before heading in. The moment they did, its as if the panthers were waiting for them from the beginning. That didn't change anything, through.

Thanks to Anderson teaching Daran how to kill Gootrixians effortlessly, Daran was able to kill them fairly easily.

Anderson didn't have a problem either, slicing them in half with his Naginata and throwing shurikens occasionally.

With their combined skill, the panthers' numbers changed from hundreds to just tens in a matter of minutes. The pnathers had no choice but to retreat further into the den in order to escape.

A: "Nice! Looks like I taught you well, huh?"

D: "Yeah, I guess so."

???: "Urgh..."

A ton of movement came from Darans duffle bag, and then out popped Elfilin, looking like he was about to throw up.

D: "Heh, I guess he got sick from moving around so much."

E: "Be... more... careful... next..."

Before Elfilin could finish his sentence, he suddenly stopped floating and started to drift downward. Looks like he passed out, but it didn't matter since Daran quickly caught him before he fell to the ground.

D: "Eh... well, I guess we should move on."

Daran put the unconscious Elfilin back into the duffle bag and then quickly resumed their search.


The two Coles still were searching the panthers den. The place was huge, but it felt like they had been searching for hours, only to get nowhere.

D: "Dude, I start to think your friend long gone by now..."

A: "No! I refuse to believe she is."

D: "Just face it, man, your friend -

???: "MMMHPH, MMMM!"

A muffled scream came from the distance.

A: "Wait..."

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