I guess I never thought about that genetic mutation too much.

"I am." I waved to Tabby.

We walked out to a large, black SUV with dark tinted windows.

"That tint is illegal here." I mentioned.

He hummed and opened the back door for me.

"Thanks." I got in, he shut it, getting in the other side as two other men were occupying the front.

He said something in Russian and they began to drive.

"Who are they?"

"...Ubers? Assistants?" He shrugged.

I nodded, playing with the handles of my tote bag.

"Am I secretly being kidnapped and murdered for a show or fame or something?" I frowned, more scared than anxious.

The corners of his lips lifted.

"No. I have no desire to bring harm to you, Kaia." He looked at me.

"Buckle." He said and I blinked, realizing I was in my head and hadn't done the basic thing people do when they enter a car.

I buckled though. Now.

"Is my accent too difficult for you?" He asked.

Where was the question coming from?

"It's not bad." I shook my head.

He nodded once.

He stared out the window, his eyes were black, pupil and iris nearly the same shade.

Although I know that literally to be impossible. It was close enough.

His skin was white, maybe even as pale as me.

He had tattoos from his jaw, down to run through his shirt and reappear along his wrists and hands, his fingers laced in the ink.

"Did any of the tattoos hurt?"


I nodded.

Avoided looking and paying too much attention.

We got there after what seemed to be ages.

It was a large diner that was on the fancy side.

I quickly checked my bank account and decided it'd be fine to splurge this once.

He opened my door for me when he looked at my phone.

"I'm paying." He said.

"It's alright I can-"

"Out." He said and I got out of the car, following him inside as the two men just stayed in the car.

He decided the table for us, once we were sat he ordered a wine I was quite fond of.

Then we silently stared at the menu.

Half of me wanted this to be over with, I didn't think this was Zion. I was expecting a little man with a larger nose and terrible attitude except when he saw a woman.


He asked what I decided on and I told him.

Then she came out almost perfectly timing the end of the speech where he repeated it to her exactly as I had said it.

Then he followed up with his order.

She left after dropping off the wine bottle and two glasses.

"Begin the questions." He said and I grabbed my phone, opening my notes app and starting at 1.

"Why do you need me? What about you business is in need of a trauma doctor?" I asked.

He poured me a glass, then himself before he sat back and crossed his arms.

"That's something I can't legally answer until you agree and sign a form of loyalty. I apologize. I just would need you often enough to need someone in the profession." He nodded.

"That helps." I sighed.

"Alright uhm... how long will this be going for?" I asked.

"It's a 5 year contract. Hopefully after that I can keep you longer."

"You already sound confident I'll take it." I squinted.

He shrugged. "You're eager, curious. 70% confident in the yes."

"Are you always polite or is this just to impress me?"

"Women are beautiful individuals who deserve a remotely good representation of chivalry."


"Any crazy trophy wife or children to worry about when it comes to the formal events? I've delt with my fair share of crazy spouses." And he had no idea.

"Nope. Not even a pet." He told me.

I'm still stuck on the first question.

"Would I be in any position of danger at all, caused by you and what you'd need me for?"

"You're a trauma doctor. I assume you grasp the concept that anything can happen when it's least expected. But never purposefully and because of me exactly will you be put in heavy danger where you could be physically hurt or in harms way." He nodded.

That was weird worded.

"Why'd you emphasize the 'you' like that?"

"Because I have to if I want to be as honest as I can."

"Are you accident prone and that's why it's happening?" I asked.

He smiled.

It was gorgeous.

"I'm not accident prone to being injured, not often at least." He nodded.

"Is it some... underground thing?"

I expected a heavy reaction.

Nope, a still, comfortable, gentle grin.

"Depends on what your definition of underground is." He shrugged.

"Like, illegal?" I whispered.

He smirked, shrugging.

"I'd be involved-"

"I've never been to jail. Ever. And nothing will lead anyone back to you, or me. Think of us as... top of the food chain. There are people below us, and below us, and below us and it just keeps going. Catching on?"

I nod.

"We can't get caught if the second lowest eats the first, if the third eats the second, etc. by the time it reaches us, we eat the ones below us and suddenly whoever knew anything... they're just... gone. Yeah?"


"And we knew in the first place. So we got rid of anything against us except us. But that's where I get worried. It's "us" meaning, not just me. Which also means I have to trust you more than anyone who's been around me. Which is where the loyalty contract comes in."

"But I can't sign if I don't know what I'm getting into." I stressed.

The food came out and I began eating, absolutely starving.

"Kaia, printsessa, you're my doctor to assist me. We're allies. I'm your source of safety. You're untouchable. I wouldn't put you in a situation of intentionally bringing you harm. I know it's easy for me to say but I mean it." He nodded.

"If I agree, can I take advantage of the rich girl card?"

Im a spoiled brat when I wanna be.

And I wanna be one.

"Absolutely. You have all the power in the world." He took a bite of his food.

"Done." I nodded.

"You'll do it?"

"I've got nothing to lose."

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