Chapter 6

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Chat blanc felt himself shudder as he watched her draw nearer, his heart growing rapid. He wasn't sure where in Paris he was but that didn't matter.
Because she was here with him.
After what felt like hours of them chasing each other all over Paris, it had come to an end.
Ladybug was so close, as she stared at him with those beautiful dark blue eyes, her breath coming out slowly. He felt his eyes travel over her frame, over the patterned spots of her suit, until they stopped at her lips. Her feet tapped against the brick of the building's roof.
Chat didn't do anything, as he watched her hand grace over his shoulder and down the side of his arm as she spoke.

It sounded like music to his ears, hearing his name come from between those lips.
He looked up at her, seeing how she smiled at him. It made his heart leap.
She looked so beautiful framed in the light, that bled into the night sky.
He wasn't sure why she was smiling but, it felt nice.
Without even thinking he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her cautiously.
This felt just as amazing as he had imagined.
When he saw that she didn't protest, he took it as an invitation to continue
He dipped his face into the crook of her neck, letting out a sigh as he felt her freeze up.
Was she scared?
He still needed to take her miraculous from her, and he knew she was aware of that. But she didn't push him away strangely enough.
That's what his father always did whenever he tried to go to him for comfort when he was younger. He learned not to do that very quickly, as to not risk being punished again. His father seemed to hate any affection from him after the death....damn
Did he really look that much like his mom?

Suddenly her arms pulled him a little closer, reciprocating his embrace. It sent a warm, delighted feeling through him, one he had never experienced before.
She truly would be the death of him.
He had to stifle the pathetic noise that rose in his throat. He never realised how much he needed this.
Her hand snaked up his back, and he could hear her voice but no words were registering in his mind. All he could focus on was her sweet touch.
God he wanted to say it. All thoughts of her miraculous seemed to fade into darkness as new ones rose, taking control.
I love you.
That's what he wanted to say.
I've loved you since the day we met, since we started to fight as heroes together.
Even now, as Hawkmoth's powerful magic kept hold on his mind, he loved her still.
Which is why carrying out what he had to do was so, so hard.

"Let me help you Chat" her voice seemed to echo. Did she say it? Or was it just a memory rising to the surface of the ocean of negative emotion, that plagued his mind?
He shook his head as he refused to let go of her, the white mesh of his suit clashing against her black and red.
He needed to pull back. Now's his chance.
He could grab her earrings and make a run for it, then this would all be over.
His hand slowly inched up her body, towards them.

But then her hand made its way into the white strands of his hair, petting him softly as she whispered comforts into his ear. He didn't know what she was trying to do, but it felt euphoric.
He was stopped in his tracks, as the warm feeling seemed to intensify. He shuddered, and he could've swore he felt himself purring as her hand moved slowly through his hair.
He felt like a pathetic stray cat, the way he just let her do this to him, the way he felt desperate for more.
More affection.
More love.
He knew there was a catch, she wouldn't be doing this without a reason. He knew she wanted to take his miraculous as much as he wanted to take hers. He knew that she didn't really want to touch him at all. He could tell as much from the amount of times she rejected his advances. Maybe she was disgusted right now.
He couldn't care less as long as she didn't stop.

He wished she could understand. That once he took the miraculous and gave it to Hawkmoth, once they were freed of that burden when he used the wish...
They could finally be together.
He could have not just her, but the girl that lay under that thick mask of confidence she put on every time he saw her.
He wanted all of her, the good and the bad, the strength and the sensitivity. He wanted to truly know her without the act. He wanted to be the one to protect her for once, not the other way round.
And in return she could know him, and he would make sure she liked what was under his cat suit. that you?Where stories live. Discover now