Chapter 2 -Birds-

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My father woke me up first thing that morning. Normally it would be my mother's doing. She was always the one who woke me to start my day. Today is Mother's birthday and she does so much for us all that the least we could do is let her sleep just a little while longer. So, he lets her rest. Today is special for me too, but I don't pretend to fathom all she does for us.

My mother and I share something. I know mothers and their daughters share many things, but this was a special gift my mother said not many feel. On my mother's birthday 17 years ago today, she gave birth to me. I wouldn't think that it would be a gift to be in so much pain for her birthday and call it a gift.

We do love the fact that we can share something just between us. It makes us both feel special.

"Hazel, how about you go pick those blue wildflowers that your mama loves so much," Father asked.

"Oh, she'll just love them. But the vase isn't cleaned Father" I remembered.

"I will have it cleaned before you return sweetie. Go on and gather them" Father instructed.

I started to run like the wind in an instant, then I heard Father yelling back at me.

"And Hazel Rae, pick the purple ones just for you" he smiled. Purple was my favorite for as long as I can remember. I love that he said this. He never forgets.

I started skipping towards my hidden path that led to the village store. But, instead of going straight, I turned left. This was my secret place. I had been coming here for years and had started making it my own. Father knew where it was, having found me there many times. But he never told a soul. Maybe Mama, but that was about it.

I arrived at my spot and started picking all the largest flowers I could collect. I always left the smaller ones; I wanted them to grow just as big as the others. So, they needed to finish growing.

Caught off guard, I heard something. It wasn't normal sounds you'd hear out here in the field. I made me very uneasy and it wasn't too nearby. I was scared by the sounds, but I couldn't stop myself.

Like an idiot, I followed it.

It took me a long time to find where the sound was coming from. The more steps I would take reminded me that it was one more foot away from home. And trust me today of all days I wouldn't desire to be lost in the woods.

"Just lift the branch, it's just a bug. Maybe an animal. You are a coward. Just do it!" I scolded myself. Gathering my nerve, I did indeed follow through and lift the branch. I did have regrets.

"Hey, what are you doing" Something screamed at me.

A bird started flying towards me. Straight for my face and it was out for blood.

I started to get up and run but the bird was in my hair. No matter how much I shook my head it would not let go. It was pulling my hair out chunk by chunk.

"There take that and go away! Take that!" the bird screamed.

Out of sheer fear, I just screamed in that bird's face. I had no words; all I could do was scream. And all the bird could do was laugh at me.

It started to fly back towards me. This time, I was smart and adapted quickly, so I decided to drive down.

Taking no notice of where it had landed. I ran fast as I could to the one person, I knew who'd protect me.

And not calling me crazy for hearing what came from that bird's mouth. Should I even tell him? Would he think I was crazy as I felt?

I didn't even have to open the door. Father was coming out the door as I was running in. I couldn't stop and when I made it inside I still ran in circles from the events that just played out and landed at my feet.

Mama, good, sweet mama. She softens my cries. Just one little touch and I was calm. She was my safe place. I didn't hesitate and went right in, telling her everything that happened. Her eyes filled with tears. Not a tear fell as I did. Until she blinked her eyes. At one point I couldn't tell if she thought I was crazy or was I crazy that she believes me.

She didn't say one word. She walked away. She was calm but looked as scared as I felt. She came back with a glass full of brown liquid. She sat down beside me holding my hand in silence. She Fed me some nasty tea from that glass and fast as she could left me once more. But this time it seems to be to find my father.

I drank all the tea. I wouldn't want to offend my mother. But she did have that look. I didn't have a choice but to keep drinking until it was all gone. So, I did until the last drop. After a few seconds, I understood what was happening and I couldn't hold my eyes open. Then I was out.

The dreams were worse this time. I was falling and falling, and I never could come to a stop. But the screaming I heard would have woken the dead. It was so loud. It really hurt my ears and my head felt like it was throbbing with its own heartbeat. All I could remember covering my ears. Wishing that they would just shut up. I stepped away from the bed and turned around the corner to see where they were coming from and what was being said.

I couldn't believe it. My parents were fighting. They never fought. However, that was not the odd part.

It was as if Mama had become alive. She was glowing. She was blue, and it sparkled. It was like glitter. All around her. Hurting my eyes even.

"She will not have her mother's fate" she screamed.

"She is not going to be a part of our world. She is too kind and weak. She isn't strong enough.

She won't last. I love Hazel. My daughter. She will die!"

"Dear, she heard the raven and ran home. You know what this means. She is not weak, just late. If she were weak dear, she wouldn't be listening and fighting the effects of the tea you swear by now would she."

Papa halfway giggled. Mama turned to him with a sour face. "What do you mean?"

At that moment mama turned around and her blue glitter was gone. Like she dropped her pencil. I was in shock! That's all this is, you are in shock. The rest just fell away. I will let sleep consume me.

But first I said one thing.

" This is why I hate birds." After that I felt nothing... saw nothing but emptiness. Black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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