Chapter 1. -Today comes quickly-

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I'm not your normal girl. But what girl is normal these days? I've never felt normal. Out of step.

My hair was blonde. Some would say it was white. But some people can be overly dramatic about it. I don't feel as it is. I had light brown hair that flows to the sun. It hung down past my hips, I could sit on it if I didn't make sure not to.

My eyes yet were sort of strange. Seriously not normal. I wish to always wear sunglasses all day wherever I go. Morning, noon, and night. I didn't wish to be so different, I don't like standing out. Why did I have to always feel like I am the sun and once everyone spots me, they would burn their eyes to watch me walk by?

I have heard of people having moody eyes. Today could look clear and blue and the other can mountains blazing red. But I never saw it till my eyes changed themselves. I was in a blink. Seconds and once you see it for the first time, you can't believe you never noticed them in the first place.

When I'm in a great mood they stay blue. Bluer than the sky. But make me mad or even see me upset they turn solid black. Days the sight would be red. It was not so easy to control. I found that it was a struggle. It was so hard to stay happy all hours of our day. That itself worries me always. I fight with black. It would not just be eye color. It was like my insides for an instant were occupied. But you weren't even home. I felt the darkness. When that happens there are no whites. Just black. solid black. The world was black.

Normal? I am a freak. I wouldn't even begin to understand which normal I should become. I choose to be myself. Be honest and true. Being normal as I could for one girl being herself. And this wasn't it. So, days I pray for a ride to the land of what comes next. I didn't want to live. But I had a few ones left with me that still made me feel like I could keep living that one person is my Father.

Oh, my father was such a handsome man. I could tell that others saw my mother as lucky. I know I did and was thankful they found each other and had me. His skin was golden, aged from the sun. When I was little my favorite thing to do was to smell him right after he had been in the sun all day. That was my favorite smell, sunshine. His eyes light up with the color of honey making you hungry for sweets.

Father was a great man where we lived. We lived in the great woods of Gandal. We have one school that all of us went to, and our parents did too. Everyone knows one another and knows where you live. We only have one store., again we all shopped there. If you didn't have it at home. You'd find it there or you didn't need it my mama would say.

However, all people in our village were not many. We had maybe 2000 people who lived here. Father would give me that number and I didn't believe him. I never have seen that many people here myself. Lucky for me even if those numbers were correct, my father oversaw all in my village. He wasn't a king; he doesn't have a crown or throne but he fixes everything. Small problems or horrible ones.

You should see how people respected him. Either rejoining in friendship or avoiding his glare. Not forgetting the ones who fear him. I am sure there were many. I could never, I have heard him be kind but also brutally honest. Nevertheless, He was my father and I'd always love him.

He only showed me love from a father's standpoint. As he should. I was the only person to see his sweet side besides my mother. He wasn't like he is at home, I noticed this very young.

Today is my mother's birthday and my father sent me to get flowers for mother. It was my mission. I had to hurry to get back. Complete mission, that is all. So, this is where my story truly begins. Buckle up, it going to be a long ride. I am not ready myself, but tomorrow comes.

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