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"Let's get a bit of overtime for the last performance task this sem today...." The student groaned in dislike about the idea. "Okay, group yourself in three."

The pupils started to search for their groupmate as quickly as possible, so they finished this subject out and went to the canteen after.

After a minute, each of the students successfully wrote the names contained in each group.

"Hey, Lin- oh, nevermind." Hayeon gets a bit sad after sawing her sit mate already having a group.

She looked around, but it seems each of them already made one.

When a tap on both sides of her shoulder was felt by her, turning around, and it was an unexpected two guys looking for one more member too.

"Can I be your groupmate?"

"Let's be groupmate miss pres."

same time, but different sentences. Hayeon smiled at two lads and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, of course guys!"

Her eyes landed at Yedam who was smiling as well, maybe it was such a great opportunity to know more about him. That's what Hayeon thought.

But something is wrong. Something is missing, there's no excitement at all about the idea.

"Hey, Miss Pres. stop staring at him like that, it's getting obvious." Suddenly a voice of Jaehyuk whispered that snapped her out of reality.


"Look at me instead."

then there goes,

dudug! dudug! dudug!

Hayeon found herself dumbfounded about the sudden acceleration of her heart beat.

'What's wrong with you Hayeon?'

She cleared her thoughts as if it would clear her mind. And glared at Jaehyuk instead.

Hayeon started listing down their names at her group when she caught the two boys glaring at each other incoherently, that made her bewildered.

"Are you guys okay?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah... nothing is wrong right Jae?"


They force a smile at her, obviously opposing what they said.

"Right...so who's gonna go with me to buy the materials?"


They both exclaimed taking the class' attention for a moment.

Yedam and Jaehyuk look at each other for a second and throw a deathly glare again. As if it was screaming in 'don't you dare' look.

The girl in between got alarmed by the tension she felt.

"Hey, you guys might actually begin to kill each other by that looks." Hayeon spoke. "Do you guys fight?"

"Nope." and they look away.

The school president eyed them in suspicion.

"Why don't you two buy it together?"

"Hell no!" Yedam quickly responded.

"No way I'm going with that creature!" Jaehyuk.

Hayeon chuckled at how childish the tension was.

"I won't buy that denial anymore, you guys actually fighting"

"Yedam started it!" Jae pointed out

"Because you're confusing me!" Yedam fired back.

On her second thought, these two might actually end up lost inside the store and start a war there before they could even successfully buy the materials.

"Okay, let's just go together after school"


"Why are you not changing the canteen's broccoli menu? you are the president." Jaehyuk asked disgustedly while munching the said vegetables.

"I know right. This school's only problem" Yedam agreed.

They suddenly forget they are on a misunderstanding while eating imside the canteen.

"Shush you two. It's nutritional. And plus, the principal won't let me, saying it is the school's asset" Hayeon made sure she emphasized the word asset in a very disgusted way she could.

"That's ridiculous!"

"Well, that's good for you Jae cause you're going away next school year."

The sound of the utensils in their table ceases after Yedam statement especially when it caught Hayeon's ear.

"What? Going away?"

The two begin to panic internally. They stay silent for a moment.

"No, what I mean is that, Jaehyuk will start eating outside the school next year and going away with this canteen" Yedam was to the rescue for his bestfriend who took a phew in relief.

"Oh, aren't that probihited?"

"That's why start planning for the next school and heal this school miss pres." Jaehyuk said grinning amidst of chewing.

"Nope, no thank you."


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