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It's already late afternoon, almost dismissal. Most of the students already headed in the grass field probably spending the remaining time.

The third floor was in peace for a moment she walks in, she was tracking her way to the  old, unused library for an another book (which she cant find in the current library)

Well, it will somehow distract herself from the amount of stress from Jaehyuk and her weird, confusing, rare heart rate which she cannot fathom well for the sanity she left.

She remember earlier what happened to the class after the unexpected shout and reaction coming from her classmates shipping her and Jaehyuk.

"hey, stop teasing Hayeon and me...there's nothing between us. A-andplus,...I have a girlfriend."

the way Jaehyuk said it sternly with authority, made the whole class go quite and some still 'awt's in whispering manner.

His statement cause her to feel sting that lead her to get upset the whole morning class.

Why it seemed she feel even more gloomy,  and sullen after that moment, more than how her name wasn't mentioned beside to be her long time crush's partner?

Hayeon walked continously at the floor who was crowdless,and nothing seemed people around.

She gasp for air after the suffocation of filthy air which greeted her inside of the old dark library. Hayeon covered her nose to ease the coughing she was making.

It was full of dust, from the unused books and shelf.

"where is it?" she mumbled while brushing off those spider webs covering the title of each books.

Until a thud would be heared after she lost balance and hit the creeking, firmless shelf causing the mountain of books to fell exact at her position including it's big shelf.

Everything became heavy, and blurry for the young girl. The worst she lost her eyeglasses, and her right foot seemed stuck and injured.

Stupid, clumsy Hayeon.



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