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Jaehyuk's pov

Since I was young, I always tend to stay in my comfort zone. Because I believe that it was the best thing that I can offer myself, a peace.

I have the same Best friend, and circle of friends,
I have the same usual foods,
Same favorite coat,
same favorite cat,
favorite sports,
I have the same favorite drink,

And same favorite girl.

Throughout my years, I lived in my comfort zone, until I grew up cowardly about crossing outside the line.

It made me think that it's fine to live how I always used to.

And that's including admiring her from afar. Keeping this feeling inside me.

Until I realized that I'm not evolving, nor not progressing anymore with my comfort zone.

"If I can't bring myself to be brave enough for you, I'll try my best to be brave enough for myself to finally let you go."

And how funny how low and whispery it was, as if it was still holding me back fearing she might wake up.

My trembling hand carefully caressed her hair.

My phone buzzes from the new notification from my dad.

'Come home early, so we can assist your visa'

I close my eyes as I feel the heaviness once again.

The door creek open, revealing Yedam.

"Hayeon isn't awake yet?" Yedam carefully muttered looking at me.

"Yeah...I think she was having a slight fever." I explained glancing at the girl beside me lying down.

I watch Yedam sit beside me, having the same view of yhe sleeping girl.

"She must be alright." Yedam muttered.

"She can't even take medicines..."

My best friend stared at me.

"How do you know that?"

I gulped.

"I just know. You know she always build different Yed..."

"Yup, she could be so smart but..."

"Dense and stupid and weird..." I continue

And we found each other laughing.

"And unique."

We chorused.

The silence visited us, as if mesmerizing by the view, taking the chance to take the serenity and unsaid thoughts inside the clinic.

"She's pretty clumsy too Jae."

"I know, and I just hope someone could watch over her for the entire life."

I felt the gaze of my best friend's seemed glue on me after what I said. Maybe observing the other thoughts that I was dying to say.



"Do you like her? Do you still like her?"

I was taken aback from the sudden question coming from him. I took the silence to think the proper answer, but instead,

"What about you, do you like her?" I heard myself throwing back the question.

Yedam chuckled and return his gaze to Hayeon.

"I'm afraid I do. I am actually starting to want her."

It was the sudden random confession, or it was the hint of the predictable betrayal I fear the most that made me speechless at the very moment.

"...Yedam, I don't want to like her anymore, I want to lov--"

"What you guys doing here?"

A sleepy voice interrupted everything, making us flinched in each position.


special mentions to my lovely readers:

thanks for readinggg

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