Chapter Seven - His Muse

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Taehyung pulls back from the viewfinder and looks at the man with his own eyes instead. He watches as the man reaches for his bag, rummages through it, and his eyes light up as he finally finds what he's looking for. The man takes out what seems to be his lunchbox, opens it, and takes the scrambled egg before placing it on the ground in front of the cat. The cat doesn't hesitate at all, feasting on the food generously given to it, while the man smiles fondly as he watches the cat eat.

It's a strange sight to see. Taehyung has definitely never seen a man in the university feed a cat so happily before. Sure, Taehyung can imagine some people giving their leftovers to strays, but this man in particular is sharing his untouched food with the cat as if it's his friend and not just a random stray cat he happened to stumble upon. Based solely on the clothes he was wearing and the way he looked, Taehyung could already guess that the man came from a wealthy family, so the fact that this guy was just casually touching stray cats and looking at it so lovingly as if its mere existence is enough to give him immense happiness is a bit weird for Taehyung. But the guy being rich might explain why he's generous with the food. If he's rich, then there's no problem with him giving the cat even his whole lunchbox because he can probably afford something better.

It's a pleasant sight to see, though. It's definitely better than watching those noisy students banter and play fight with each other. At least this scene is wholesome, and the guy - he's very easy on the eyes. Taehyung finds him interesting to look at. Too interesting, in fact, that Taehyung couldn't stop himself from lifting his camera again, turning off the flash not to startle the guy, looking through the viewfinder, and taking a picture of the man looking fondly at the cat.

Taehyung instantly feels like he's doing something wrong as soon as he takes the photo. Isn't this kind of considered stalking? But Taehyung doesn't have that intention, so it doesn't count, right? It's not like Taehyung deliberately came here because he knew the guy would be here. He doesn't even know his name! It shouldn't be considered stalking if Taehyung didn't do it intentionally. He just took a photo. A simple, innocent photo. It's not something inappropriate that he should feel guilty about. It's just a man with a cat. And he's a photographer, so it makes sense that he would take photos of anything that can be a good subject, and this man just happens to capture Taehyung's interest. That's all. Taehyung isn't doing anything wrong.


When Taehyung gets home, he lies on his bed and looks at all the photos he took for the day. There isn't much. He was pretty busy with attending his classes, so he didn't have enough time to walk around and take a lot of photos he'd be satisfied with. There are a lot of pictures of nature, animals, and buildings, and then Taehyung suddenly stops at the picture of a man, the only person he photographed in the college of his own will and not just because he has to do it for a project.

Taehyung stares at the photo and belatedly realizes how adorable-looking the guy in the picture is. Taehyung didn't notice it right away when he was looking at the man with his own eyes earlier. Sure, he saw the clothes and even concluded that he came from a wealthy family, but Taehyung didn't really look at his face that much, mostly because he felt weird staring at a stranger's face - it would feel like he really is a stalker, and Taehyung is trying really hard not to associate himself with that label.

It doesn't feel as weird now because Taehyung is just staring at a photo instead of the man himself. Taehyung doesn't have to fear being caught and being called a creep, so he can stare as much as he wants right now and properly observe the man's features. He seems pretty small, based on the photo. Taehyung does remember thinking briefly at that time that the guy seems to be a lot smaller than him. He also has very soft features - even his hair looks really fluffy and makes Taehyung feel the urge to touch it if only he could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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