|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||

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Summary: Charles looks after you while you and drunk.

warnings: throwing up, google translated french, not edited or proofread and written while I am half asleep.
thank you so much for 2k reads!!


Relief crawled up my body as soon as I got through the door, the warmth enveloping me in a comforting hug. The sound of steps approaching me made me stand up straight, or as straight as possible when you are close to being blackout drunk. Not daring to move, my body was a statue as Charles approached with a tilted head.

"Fun night?" He questioned, suppressing a laugh as he took in my appearance.

"Yeah...so fun." I slurred out, my head moving in all directions. He raised his eyebrows for whatever reason.

"Need help?" His head pointed towards the heels that were close to snapping. I nodded my head gingerly before he wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me to the living room. After sitting me down, he kneeled down, his hands snaking around my ankles to untie my heels, leaving a tingly feeling.

"Stay here." Charles ordered, his eye staring into my soul, not removing them until absolutely necessary. He returned with a large glass of water which was at risk of spilling everywhere.

"Not now. I just want to go to bed." I groaned, a childish look on my face. With a roll of his eyes and a scoff, he sat next to me and handed me the glass of water, watching me carefully as I drank it.

"What next sarge?" I joked, my eyes closing slightly, my body pleading with me to go to bed as every bone in my body went limp.

"We have to take off your makeup." His hands stuck out so I could grab them. I assessed them for a while,every vein, every bone, everything before finally grabbing them, my feet landing directly onto the floor becoming a weird sensation after many hours of standing in heels.

"Careful." He reminded me, wrapping his arm around my waist, leaving my body to become even more like jelly due to the closeness between us. His hand glided upwards so he could reach the small of my back, a gasp settling in my throat.

"Sit down there and then you have to tell me what to do." His voice drowned out as he looked for makeup wipes. "Where are the wipes?" He turned his head towards me, quickly shooting forward as my body began to fall forward.

"Don't use wipes, I use a cleansing balm." My voice went an octave higher. "Micelles water is on my makeup thing though. Just get a cotton pad and that will work, most of it has come off." Exhaustion took over as I gave everything in me not to fall asleep, the alcohol slowly letting my body regain control. Charles's walk was more like a jog as he tried to do everything as quickly as possible. He turned the bottle upside down and soaked a cotton pad in it, the liquid leaking through and pouring into the floor.

"Shit." He mumbled, flipping the bottle round and slamming it into the side. He made his way towards me, placing his hand underneath my chin, lifting it up slightly before beginning to wipe my makeup off. After around 10 minutes, my makeup was off and he was dragging me off of the toilet I was seated on and over to my bedroom.

The second the familiar feeling of carpet dragged across the bottom of my feet, I was quick to begin removing my clothes, the reaction being one that was drilled into me after many years of having the same routine.

"Woah. Okay." Charles said turning around in his heel hastily just as my dress dropped to the floor. I opened my wardrobe grabbing out a jumper and attempting to put it over my head.

"Charles, help." I whispered as it got caught on top of my head rendering me blind. His soft steps padded across the floor before I felt it get tugged downwards and I was able to see again. Smiling at him as a thank you, I went to make my way to my bed but a hand clasped around my wrist, the craving I had for more physical contact growing.

"Just one my thing." His voice was soft and quiet as I finally processed the hairbrush in his hand. He spun me around slowly and carefully before beginning to brush out the many knots that had formed on the night out. Pence done with that, my hair was put into a ponytail and he backed away, allowing me to walk to my bed.

"Good night." Charles said, waiting until I was in bed to make his way to the door.

"Nooo." I complained like a child. "Stay with me." My hands went mindlessly into the air however my eyes stayed closed, refusing to open..

"Y/N.." He started, his tone of voice changing.

"Pleaseee." I forced one eye to open momentarily but it was quick to close again, the heaviness putting up a fight.

"You have to roll over. Onto your side just incase okay?" He ignored my previous statement and rounded the bed to get to my side, the second he did, I flipped over and grabbed his hand.

"Please stay with me." I pleaded quietly, my voice being drowned out by the duvet that lead onto of my mouth. "The room won't stop spinning, I don't like it."

"Just for a bit." He said, clearing his throat but the hesitant still stayed and lingered in the air for a while afterwards as he slowly got into bed behind me, his hands grazing over my barely protected thighs. I sucked in a sharp breath, placing my hand on top of his before darkness overcame me, every muscle in me relaxing.


A burning sensation hiked across my throat the second I opened my eyes, my stomach churning just as realisation hit me. I fought my way out of the sheets and unknown to me, Charles's grip. My strides were large and fast as I ran to my en-suite, only just making it as the alcohol contents from last night fought their way back up as a migraine appeared. I groaned, placing my head on the toilet bowl just before another round of sickness overcame me, my hair being in a ponytail being a godsend. I let out a shaky breath as I leant up to the flush the toilet and grab a bit of toilet paper to wipe my mouth with as I learnt onto the wall behind me, the rest of my body feeling paralysed.

The sound of someone walking up to the bathroom door gave a sudden urge of life to one of my legs as I lunged to kick the door shut however my efforts went ignored as the person simply opened the door back up.

"Bonjour to you chérie." Charles morning voice entered the room as he joked, taking a seat on the floor next to me.

"Go away." I mumbled under my breath mostly from embarrassment as I massaged my head in a stupid attempt to stop the oncoming migraine.

"You are the one waking me up at 4am so I think I should be saying that to you." His hands found mine as he clasped them together, comfortingly stroking his thumb against the top of my hand.

"I'm never drinking again." I vowed to myself, the words scratching against my sore throat as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I bet you won't."

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