|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||

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(sorry if it's short, I thought I would have time to write and finish it
 but turns out I didn't lmao)


"Hello everybody." Lando said, wiggling the camera slightly so he could get it to stay in place, I simply gave it a smile and wave, manoeuvring myself so I was sat with my back against the sofa, a position that made it easy for me to pull myself back up when needed. Lando took a seat across from me and all the parts I had organised, each grouped together despite his arguments at how pointless that would be.

"Today we are building a crib. This is a lot different to Legos." He let out a breathy laugh, pushing away the instructions as 'he didn't need them', a heavily stupid idea from his side, not that I will judge too much however if he complained I could just use it against him that it was his problem.

"You positive you don't want these?" I asked with raised eyebrows, holding the large sheet of paper up in the air but he simply gave me a look, picking up a screw and a piece of wood. Turning towards the camera, I rolled my eyes, pointing at him secretively with a shake of my head.

"How hard could this be?" The innocent question caused the chat to blow up, each backing up my thoughts exactly and telling him how stupid this whole thing was. It took a while but he managed to get two pieces screwed together, reminding himself under his breath that is was righty tighty and lefty loosy. Every now and then he would look back up, reading some comments from fans before turning back.

"And how are we planning to get this to the bedroom? There is no way this is fitting through the door." I asked, giving him a smile when he looked up at me, concealing the look of 'uh oh' that flooded his eyes.

"It will." He waved me off, replying to some people. Spreading my arms to the side, I pulled myself up, grateful for the smart thinking of my seating position and moved to the sofa instead, deciding myself that I would read out the comments to Lando so that he could properly focus on building our child's crib. In my mind, I was already plotting how quickly I could get my dad over here to fix it.

"Poppy says it will take you too many hours and that you will have to cancel on Max and Kelly." I laughed as I spoke.

"Fuck I forgot about that, I will be done by then though." He paused to look at his watch and wipe the sweat building up on his forehead. "We have two hours." At this point, the only person Lando was reassuring was himself. 

"I reckon it wont even be standing by the time we leave." I stated with a shrug, earning a scoff from Lando who had now finally picked up the instructions. 

Once again, I rolled my eyes at his confidence, feeling the hunger building up, I decided not to keep the child waiting, an excuse I have used a little too much these past couple months.

"Where are you going?" Lando asked, not looking away as he screwed yet another bolt in, his forehead creased in concentration. 

"Kitchen." I gave him a bright smile, missing the raising of his eyebrows but then the trail of swear words dragged behind me, obviously getting caught on the legs of my trousers. Walking over, my eyes began trailing over every bit of food in every cupboard we owned, nothing seeming appetising enough. Some things were too sweet but others too salty, some too crispy but others not crispy enough, some just not right at all and some seeming to delicious to eat. I landed on apple pie, finding that perfect enough. Not bothering to even place it on a plate, I grabbed the whole thing and two forks before waddling my way back over.

Lando looked up at me when he heard my socks shuffling against the wooden surface, another pregnancy thing that I had no warning for is that my feet were always oddly cold so I had to resort to wearing slipper socks every hour of the day, not that I was complaining, they were crazily comfy. 

"Are you sure you want to eat that before we go out?" He asked once again, tilting his head, the innocent enough question caused yet another pile of comments to flood in all at once. 

"I'm eating for two!  I'm not going to fit into my jeans either way" I defended myself, stabbing a piece with the fork and eating it before continuing, not letting him open his mouth again. "Besides, I got it for the both of us but if you say another word about it, I will be eating this whole cake by myself!" This time, I pointed the fork that I was holding in my hand at him accusingly to which he responded by holding his two hands up in surrender. 

"Okay but you will have to feed me because I have my hands full." He shrugged, a cocky smirk filling planting itself on his lips. "It's good practise." He joked, adding it in the end as more of a bribery manner.

"Fine." It was now my turn to scoff. I sat down on the sofa and he scooted over to me, resting his head on my knees momentarily before looking at me expectantly. Grabbing a fork, I took a chunk of the cake out, feeding it to me and not even two seconds later I was bursting out into fits of laughter which then carried over to Lando, who let out a very feminine shreak when he accidently laid on top of a nail, causing yet another round of laughs, the kind that lasts for minutes and that creates amazing memories.

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