First time meeting a beautiful man like you

Start from the beginning

"It is located in Kyoto, kind sir," he muttered, holding both his hands infront of his legs as he awaited Tsugikuni-san's answer. "Kyoto? A wonderful city," Michikatsu replied enthusiastically. He felt his entire face brighten at the idea of visiting the city with the man. He could only imagine how beautiful it would be to stroll down the streets of Kyoto, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, all while being in the presence of this handsome stranger. "I must warn you, my good sir," he said as he began to walk in the direction of the city, "It's quite a trip from here."

Muzan nodded, fully aware. "Yes, I am very aware, but I suppose I was curious on the outside instead of in the city, you see: my uncle is protective of me, and I do understand, as both my parents passed away when I was young, but I was curious to see how everything looked," he explained to the tall man as they walked through the bamboo forest.

Michikatsu listened attentively, his eyebrow raising in shock at the revelation of Muzan's parents passing away at such a young age. "My condolences for your losses," he said gently. "But I completely understand wanting to see what the outside world is like when you've been sheltered for so long."

As they continued walking, the young man added, "It doesn't seem fair for someone as wonderful as yourself to never be able to set your eyes on the world around you." The red eyed man nodded. "Yes, at a young age, I was not allowed to go outside, asd I was ill. Even now I am frail and my skin will get burns if I step under the sun," he frowned, looking down at the ground.

Michikatsu let out a small gasp of pity when he learned of Muzan's illness. So he was even more fragile than Michikatsu had initially thought. No wonder his uncle was so protective of him. "Does your condition have a name?" Michikatsu inquired with worry, looking down at the red-eyed man with concern.

"Not that I am aware of, but some joke around and call it the 'demon disease', as it sort of acts like a demon, if I remember correctly, as I cannot walk into the sun, neither can demons, am I correct?" he asked softly, looking at Michikatsu.

Michikatsu laughed softly, feeling himself become endeared by the gentle man. "Yes, that is true," he replied with a nod. "Demons are said to only be able to come out at night in the moonlight. You can't blame them for trying to make light of a terrible disease. I imagine it must make you feel very isolated."

He turned his gaze toward the man, his eyes soft with sympathy. "Do your burns from the sunlight hurt?" he asked. He nodded. "It does, it feels like I get skinned alive in certain parts, followed by pouring boiling hot water on the open wounds," the long haired man explained, shuddering at the thought. Michikatsu winced, his expression showing disgust at the thought of the intense pain and physical discomfort that Muzan must face every time he leaves his house.

"That sounds absolutely unbearable," he said with a slight sigh. "No wonder you never leave the house. I would feel the same way if I had your condition." Muzan nodded in agreement. "Which is why I leave at night, mostly with a guard or with my uncle, so that if the sun rises, I can be protected from its light," he explained carefully, his beautiful, long dark to light blue nails now on display too.

Michikatsu paused for a moment to take in the man's stunning nails. They were long and thin, yet so delicately shaped. How had he kept his nails to look so beautiful despite their length? "At night, it's quite peaceful," he mused. "You can hear the gentle chorus of crickets, and the birds calling out to one another. What's the longest amount of time you've spent outside at night?" He was curious to see what was the furthest limit of the man's disease.

"About 3 hours, as I am still in need of more medicine. You see, I sometimes choke on my own blood, which is quite painful, so I cannot stay outside all that long," he said with a montone voice. "I am already lucky that the doctors have made me able to stand."

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