Chapter Eleven

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Y/N's P.O.V

Peter and I eventually stooped running when we thought we put enough distance between us and that abandoned subway station. We had managed to find some kind of civilization which helped us hail down a cab.  It was also very helpful that the running got us closer to headquarters, so the fare wasn't very much. We sat in the back of the cab in silence for about ten minutes before we both started giggling. The cab driver looked at us like we were both insane which didn't help.  We both proceeded to then burst out laughing. 

"I can't believe that we almost got on that train" Peter said. I smiled and nodded. 

"I swear, I thought something with floating eye balls was gonna walk out of that train." I said wiping the water from my eyes after I had regained my composure from laughing. We both laughed at that. I think the laughter and making light of the situation was helping us cope with the fear we actually felt when we were there. We both stopped talking and all of us sat in silence once again till we arrived at headquarters. We both got out and Peter paid the fare since I didn't have any money cause, not from this dimension you know. 

We walked into headquarters and noticed that Ecto - 1 was gone. Janine was not at her desk. We both exchanged looks and decided to wait in Peter's office. He grabbed us some water and we both remained in the silence of headquarters. I guess neither of us wanted to talk about what had happened fully just yet. Maybe wait till the rest of the crew gets back. I wasn't sure how to even begin a conversation about what just happened. I will say that the silence is killing me though. 

"So... anything fun happening in your universe?" Peter asked. I snorted. If only they knew the whole situation. 

"Well, only from what I remember. I don't know how much time has passed in my universe since I've been here." I spoke. He nodded in understanding. 

We had been sitting for a little while making small talk, probably for about ten minutes. After that, we heard the doors to headquarters open and the sound of a vehicle pulling in. We both stood up and walked out of Peter's office to see Ecto - 1 pulling in. The rest of the guys along with Janine and Louis all sitting in it. As soon as they saw us, they all jumped out with Winston almost forgetting to put the thing in park. 

They all ran up to us and started bombarding us with questions. We both put our hands up in defense as if to say 'woah' and 'calm down'. They saw the expressions on our faces and took a step back. We both took a breath and Peter motioned for everyone to sit in his office, they all nodded and I walked over and turned the ignition off in Ecto - 1 and handed Winston the keys. 

"Thanks" He said. I smiled and gave a thumbs up. 

Everyone then made their way into Peter's office and sat down. I pulled up a chair and sat by the desk and Pete took his seat while putting his legs up on his desk and leaned back. The main question that was asked was 'what happened?'. I pretty much left all the explanations to Peter. Ray had begun the first wave of questions. 

"Where did you go?" Ray had asked, Peter and I exchanged looks and I sat a bit more upright and began answering as well. 

"Well, at first it seemed to be some type of underground tunnel system.. which upon us running through the tunnels, we came upon a public works system." I said, pausing to take a sip of my water. I then continued. "When we left the public works, we found an abandoned subway station." I said. They all looked confused. Peter spoke after me. 

"That's not even the weirdest part, it was the train." He said. 

"The train?" Winston echoed. Peter and I nodded in return. Peter began explaining. 

"There was a empty train the pulled into the station while we were standing there, but the weird part is.. is that when the lights went out; there were a bunch on eyes staring right at us." Peter spoke. I nodded and began speaking next. 

"We were happy that the door were remaining shut, however.. we booked it out of there when they opened. OH! and the metal clanking. That was a thing that happening while we were waiting, and then it stopped when the train doors opened." I finished explaining. They all looked a bit bewildered. 

"But why didn't Milo chase you? Why did he let you run away?" Ray asked. Peter and I looked at each other and we realized that he didn't chase us. I leaned back dumbfounded. The earth began to rumble once more knocking the pictures and papers off the back wall of Peter's office. Then everything went still and the wall began oozing some type of slime. 

"Ew!" I said in disgust. 

"Wait, look" Said Janine. We saw that there was a message appearing through the slime. 

"They are lying" We all read in unison. It then shifted. 

"I am not your enemy, I want to be free. They want control of you." It read. We looked at each other. 

"History was rewritten, painting me as the liar" Egon then asked the question. 

"Who are is lying? Who are you?" Egon beckoned. To which the slime wrote. 

"Dorthea is lying, I am Milo Shandor."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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